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Novo: It breaks my heart that Ally doesn't want me

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NACHO NOVO was given a heroâ??s reception by Rangers fans against Albion Rovers on Sunday.


But he has had the cold shoulder from the only man that matters â?? Ally McCoist.


Fans favourite Novo took in Gersâ?? 4-0 Ramsdens Cup win at Livingston, sitting in among supporters who relentlessly chanted his name.


However, Ibrox gaffer McCoist looks set to let his head rule his heart, and deny the Spaniard a second spell in Light Blue â?? despite letting the free agent forward train at Murray Park this summer.


Novo admits he is heart- broken by the decision after dreaming of a Gers return. He said: â??It is not going to happen. The supporters know I would love to come over here and sign.


â??For my part, that would be fine, but Ally McCoist is the manager and responsible for everything. He has his own ideas and I need to respect that. In football you always have good times and disappointing times.


â??Iâ??d like to come back to Ibrox, it was one of my priorities and for family reasons it wouldâ??ve been good.


â??Managers come and go. They have their opinions about what they want for the team, what the team needs and as a player you have to accept that.


â??Ally has not spoken to me much. When we have talked weâ??ve just spoken normally, but itâ??s never about football.


â??He knows if he wants me I want to come back â?? but he has never said anything.


â??I probably have to accept thatâ??s it. Thereâ??s no point in me staying on top of them and if it has not happened by now it is not going to happen.


â??It is great to go back to Murray Park to train and keep myself fit. I appreciate Rangers letting me do that.â?


Now the lonely Ranger has to live with solo sessions to get himself up to speed for a new club.


Veteran hitman Novo, 34, had spells at Sporting Gijon, Legia Warsaw and Huesca since leaving Ibrox.


And he insists he could help Gers win promotion again.


Novo added: â??I always have some belief in myself I can do a job and I feel fit. Thatâ??s the most important thing, along with confidence.


â??Rangers have lots of good players and youngsters coming through, which is good as they have legs on them.


â??I donâ??t want to say I am better than anybody because I donâ??t like getting compared to other players, but I could still do a job. It would have meant a lot to me to help Rangers back to the top flight because first of all I am a Rangers supporter.


â??I support the team and the club, and I want them to one day be back at the top again.


â??I was pleased with the reception I got from the fans at the Albion Rovers game.


â??It reminds me of the good times when I used to be a Rangers player. It was a great reception and after that it was a great result for Rangers.


â??Since Iâ??ve been here everyoneâ??s treated me so well, it is mind-blowing.


â??To have so many people who still love you and are behind you, as a player that is nice to feel.â?


Novo is still trying to come to terms with the fact he wonâ??t be allowed back to his adopted home.


But he says someone else will get the benefit of signing a player who still has fire in the belly.


Novo said: â??It would always be difficult to play for another Scottish club against Rangers.


â??But if you join a club you need to support them, you need to fight for those who give you a chance to play.


â??It would be difficult because I have so many good memories of Rangers â?? but you never know what will happen.


â??Nothing is finished for me and Iâ??ve always been a fighter.


â??I just need to move forward, work hard and Iâ??m sure something will come along.â?


Novo knows it has not been an easy time for the huge Gers fanbase, who will begin life in Scottish footballâ??s new-look third tier, as their bitter rivals dream of another Champions League campaign. Celtic fans are already casting their minds further ahead to the possibility of racking up 10 straight titles.


Novo admitted: â??I would say itâ??s possible for Celtic to win ten in a row.


â??There are some good teams who will make it difficult, but at the same time they donâ??t have the same challenge there used to be.


â??Iâ??m not saying there wonâ??t be other challenges, but Celtic are in a better position money-wise and have some good players as well.


â??Obviously, they will have a better chance of success than other Scottish clubs.


â??It will be hard to take for Rangers fans but the situation is different now.


â??I think Rangers supporters are just thinking about trying to get up again and that is the priority.


â??But Celtic need Rangers and Rangers need Celtic. They need each other.â?


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/5040669/Nacho-Novo-It-breaks-my-heart-that-Ally-McCoist-doesnt-want-me.html#ixzz2aV416oQO

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I can see why but it is hard to explain. I would certainly prefer Kenny to Nacho. I guess the simplest reason is Kenny is a better player.


Ooomff....Massive debate opened.


Nacho all day long for me. I did like Miller, thought he was a good striker, but Novo had the edge for me...capable of winning a game on his own.


Id have them both back for a season.

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I think the main thing that separates Miller & Novo is passion.


Novo always gave 100%, and would terrorise defences all match long. Miller tended to do a lot of running about but was never as much of a pain in the ar*e for the opposition as Novo was. Also, Novo clearly loves the club - when was the last time Miller attended a match as a fan???


I would love to see McCoist bring Nacho back on a player/coach type contract - I think he could have a massively positive influence on the squad.

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It breaks my heart that Ally doesn't want me to play as well but I know I'm not good enough.


Novo was one of my favourite players during his time at Rangers and I love the wee guy. But his time has passed.

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I think the main thing that separates Miller & Novo is passion.


Novo always gave 100%, and would terrorise defences all match long. Miller tended to do a lot of running about but was never as much of a pain in the ar*e for the opposition as Novo was. Also, Novo clearly loves the club - when was the last time Miller attended a match as a fan???


I would love to see McCoist bring Nacho back on a player/coach type contract - I think he could have a massively positive influence on the squad.


Very unfair on Miller. He always gave 100% and was a pain in the arse to opposition players. Also Kenny is currently good enough to play for other clubs which will undoubtedly limit any chance he would have to visit Scotland never mind goto our games unlike Novo. Nacho is acting like a hanger on, desperate to force a move through sentiment rather than doing well for another club and be head hunted by us. If it is a choice between the two, it is a no brainer. Kenny all day long.

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Very unfair on Miller. He always gave 100% and was a pain in the arse to opposition players. Also Kenny is currently good enough to play for other clubs which will undoubtedly limit any chance he would have to visit Scotland never mind goto our games unlike Novo. Nacho is acting like a hanger on, desperate to force a move through sentiment rather than doing well for another club and be head hunted by us. If it is a choice between the two, it is a no brainer. Kenny all day long.


Miller had had his chance - TWICE.....and TWICE he has turned his back on the club, most likely in pursuit of more cash. He's now nearing the end of his career & looking for a club that will still pay him a good wage.


In fairness, Miller has the better strike ratio (according to Wikipedia)


Miller (Rangers):

scored in 51% of games played

Average of a goal every 1.94 games


Miller (Career):

Scored in 34% of games

Average of a goal every 2.94 games


Novo (Rangers):

Scored in 26% of games played

Average of a goal every 3.8 games


Novo (career):

Scored in 30.67 games played

Averaged of a goal every 3.25 games


I'd still take Novo before Miller.....

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Miller had had his chance - TWICE.....and TWICE he has turned his back on the club, most likely in pursuit of more cash. He's now nearing the end of his career & looking for a club that will still pay him a good wage.


In fairness, Miller has the better strike ratio (according to Wikipedia)


Miller (Rangers):

scored in 51% of games played

Average of a goal every 1.94 games


Miller (Career):

Scored in 34% of games

Average of a goal every 2.94 games


Novo (Rangers):

Scored in 26% of games played

Average of a goal every 3.8 games


Novo (career):

Scored in 30.67 games played

Averaged of a goal every 3.25 games


I'd still take Novo before Miller.....


He didn't turn his back on us twice mate and he has a club just now, he has just signed a new deal with Vancouver. The first time he left he was not ready and had to leave for his own career. We, as a club, were on a different planet back then. Second time we wanted to cut his salary so much so that no one would have accepted it not even our very own CEO at the time who told Kenny he wouldn't accept the offer either. We actually treated him very poorly. Kenny has done more in his career than Nacho will ever, or has, ever done.


You even go onto prove Kenny is a better striker with facts yet would still take Nacho, that's strange in my opinion.

Edited by Super Cooper
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I think Ally and all of us would take the Nacho of say 4 years ago but what kind of player is he now? Rejected by his last club and no offers coming in, I can't imagine he has much left in the tank.


Ally has seen him in training and so probably thinks what he has is better - or perhaps Nacho's wage demands, although reduced, don't seem value for money.


None of us know what Novo is like as a player now and I think that the secondary evidence is damning. It's a real shame as I've love to see the Novo of old lend us a hand in the lower leagues but it seems it's just too late for him.

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