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A dinosaur rears it's head

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I'd argue that they haven't - indeed, that it's not even possible for a political party to take over a national identity.


What they have tried to do is represent aspects of the Scottish identity - progressive, modern, ambitious, confident, independent, forward-thinking, open-minded, internationalist - and allowed the unionist parties to represent other aspects of the Scottish identity - reactionary, small-minded, timid, cowardly, dependent, craven, backward looking, isolationist....mind you, that's just my personal view ;)


That's what the vote yes campaign has boiled down to. They have been caught out on their arguments so they just insult those who don't agree with their political views.

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hahaha, nice one.:fish:


Let us say, where once we were Scottish first and British second, now it seems to be reversed.


To the the detriment of the Club in my eyes.

I consider both of those identities equal, although the SNP are pretty much insisting you can't be both.
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You have to be antagonistic and nasty to vote Tory? What a lot of crap. There's a lot of bitterness involved in that statement, something more akin to supporters of other teams. The votes for the Conservative and Unionists was a lot higher back then than it is now.


I wouldn't give myself a political label but this Tory = Evil idea seems so small minded to me.

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