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Rangers team buses burnt out in Arson job at Bruce's coach garage, Salsburgh

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There are famous Rangers-supporting people in politics, the media & entertainment. They seem somewhat reluctant to be seen as Rangers supporters for some reason. Again does it come back to the 'toxic brand' stuff ? However life is about choices. I choose not to vote for Celtic-supporting politicians at all levels, will not support Celtic-supporting sportspeople in other sports and will not purchase anything released by Celtic-supporters in the entertainment industry.

Petty? maybe but that's how they have worked for years. I strongly believe unless all of us rise to this challenge we will become a sort of 'second class' majority in this country. A very dangerous scenario indeed.


It's too late for that. That is exactly what we are.

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One only has to think of Dr Death sex pest who taught galloway the iranaway song book at Stirling uni, The Bruce would have been birlin' at the very thought.


and this man became Defence Minister in a UK government. You couldn't make it up

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I've no intention of entering into any sort of 'debate' with the stupidity on show here.


The stupidity is your quiet dignity and let them kick the shit out of us again and again, your attitude is nothing short of a disgrace as is your replies to people willing to stand up for our club and our heritage.

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