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We carry a vast Protestant support ... is this a crime?

Guest Geo the Ger

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That is the effect on man.


Religion has undermined and subjugated women with devastating consequences.


By man I meant human. But you are correct, woman have suffered...precisely why I said its devide and rule. Create conflict and divisions between fellow humans so we are supressed. It likes believing part of the pacific ocean is different to other parts when its all water.

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Der Berliner post #11

IMHO, religion is a private thing. Having been brought up in a non-religious society really gives you a certain point of view on such debates and at times it beggars belief what is still going on in Britain and other countries with regards to e.g. segregated schooling. And with no disrespect to any practising boarder, no monotheistic belief has been good to mankind, with Christianity and Islam being the worst "offenders", mostly because of their intolerance to others and their own.

Suum cuique, as the Romans said. As long as people leave me be, I'll do the same. My dislike for the Scum does not come from their religion, but the way they go about it and their love for murderers and terrorists.

When it comes to Rangers, I'm a football fan.


You say that religion is a private thing and that you are non-religious, but then go on to insult every Muslim and every Christian by telling them that their respective religions are not good for mankind. You quote the Roman phrase and then go on to prove that you don't leave people alone by telling the scum, and by that I am assuming you mean the R.C. Republican Irish Celtic support, that you don't agree with the way they go about their religion.


There is a bit of a mix-up in your interpretation of my reply. How can I insult Christians and Muslims by telling them what we saw in the Middle Ages with the crusades against people of other beliefs (be that Christian (Albigensians) or Muslims? What we saw and see in Northern Ireland to this day, what we see with Shiites and Sunites from Iran to Afghanistan and Egypt and back? Up until the ascension of monotheistic religions, no war was fought about religion or belief, or religion being a reason and a driving force. Obviously, somesuch will be blamed on extremists and people mis-interpreting the Bible or Koran et al. But that does not stand up against what is written in either about other faiths or the one "true faith". As you can see throughout the history up to this day, there are high-ranking (and obviously not downright stupid) church leaders all over the world showing a degree of intolerance that literally beggars belief.


And no, that is not what makes up either faith, and it is not how either faith should be solely looked at. Far from it.


That powerful tool, the Book of Scriptures, is intended to allow each individual to choose his/her own way forward. No one has the right to tell them otherwise.

Whether they are on the moral high ground or otherwise.


That does only hold true for Protestants and/or Christians though?



When I speak of the Scum, I speak of Celtic fans who support acts like these, people who commit them and people dying while committing similar. I couldn't care less what belief or colour or haircut that "fan" has.


On a sidenote, Rangers FC has IMHO long shed this sort of "tradition" and has become a normal football club (shock-horror). It is the support who carries that particular flag and while many up to this day like to give the Sash or Derry's Walls a laldy, I doubt that the majority is that steeped in Protestant as is being made out.



Do you believe that there is a power higher than man?


My signature gives you the answer.

Edited by der Berliner
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and yet you are unable to explain why. Any chance of actually responding to any of the points calscot makes? Or is your idea of debate simply making a dismissive, groundless statement?


If you even bothered to read posts 4, 8 and 13 you will see that I articulated by thoughts and views as best I could. I also followed with the statement that I agreed that this was a football forum and that I personally would not posting any more on the 'faith' side. Calscot decided on posts 14 and 15 to be a smart arsed tosser and ridicule those with a personal belief (despite the fact that I showed Einstein was also one such person) with comments about the 'Force' and 'Jedi'. And you think I owe him an explanation?.

Despite me taking time to put some thought behind my posts 4. 8 and 13, what followed was the usual lazy, crass one liners from Gunslinger, Calscot etc (who chose not to even attempt to deal with any of my comments e.g. about Luther etc not belonging to any church for long periods). "You don't go to church you are not a Protestant", If you are religious, then you must surely believe in........(despite being told that I have a personal 'faith', not dogmatic religion, and like many of my forefathers I still protest against the 'very questionable and often downright ugly' teachings of the Catholic church having any place of power in my land)". No attempt to answer any of my previous points. Yet I'm being told I should answer to them.


Anyway Barca72 responded sublimely on my behalf, and in a far more articulate way than I could.

Edited by Anchorman
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nothing wrong with being an atheist. it's just that their is no such thing as an atheist protestant in the religious sense of the word.


if people want to kid on rangers protestant history isn't a Christian value then they could not be more wrong but thats up to them.

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If you even bothered to read posts 4, 8 and 13 you will see that I articulated by thoughts and views as best I could. I also followed with the statement that I agreed that this was a football forum and that I personally would not posting any more on the 'faith' side. Calscot decided on posts 14 and 15 to be a smart arsed tosser and ridicule those with a personal belief (despite the fact that I showed Einstein was also one such person) with comments about the 'Force' and 'Jedi'. And you think I owe him an explanation?.

Despite me taking time to put some thought behind my posts 4. 8 and 13, what followed was the usual lazy, crass one liners from Gunslinger, Calscot etc (who chose not to even attempt to deal with any of my comments e.g. about Luther etc not belonging to any church for long periods). "You don't go to church you are not a Protestant", If you are religious, then you must surely believe in........(despite being told that I have a personal 'faith', not dogmatic religion, and like many of my forefathers I still protest against the 'very questionable and often downright ugly' teachings of the Catholic church having any place of power in my land)". No attempt to answer any of my previous points. Yet I'm being told I should answer to them.


Anyway Barca72 responded sublimely on my behalf, and in a far more articulate way than I could.


I didn't say you owed calscot "an explanation" but if you're going to dismiss a post simply as "utter rubbish", I think there's an expectation that you explain why the post is rubbish, take the points he made and put a counter argument.

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I didn't say you owed calscot "an explanation" but if you're going to dismiss a post simply as "utter rubbish", I think there's an expectation that you explain why the post is rubbish, take the points he made and put a counter argument.


Utter rubbish!

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My signature gives you the answer.

Last edited by der Berliner; Today at 07:37 AM.

Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


I only read in English. If you wish me to know what your signature is saying I'm afraid you'll have to translate for me.

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