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Ibrox to get high speed broadband

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there will be stuff getting sold over the connections , such as apps etc , this wont be entirely free , com panies will pay to get advertising via this as well , remember you will need to register to get this

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I'm far from convinced that this was the right year to be making long-term investments on this type of thing and buying Ed' House, then turning round and saying we can't afford £75k for an EGM.

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I'm far from convinced that this was the right year to be making long-term investments on this type of thing and buying Ed' House, then turning round and saying we can't afford £75k for an EGM.


They didn't say they couldn't afford the 75k though, did they ? They said it was a substantial amount of money (it is) for something that could be dealt with at he AGM (it can), a meeting where the cost is already expended

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They didn't say they couldn't afford the 75k though, did they ? They said it was a substantial amount of money (it is) for something that could be dealt with at he AGM (it can), a meeting where the cost is already expended


I think my point on this thread still stands mate because the implication from the Club board statement was certainly that the issue was about the expenditure. They've painted it as an unnecessary expenditure when it can easily be viewed as both that OR simply as a bullshit stall tactic.

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It's crazy we're splashing millions of capital on ventures like this, when we don't even know if we have enough in the bank to see us through this season. Things like wi-fi and Edmiston house are the sort of thing we should be doing when we are on a stable footing. I can't help but imagine the true reasons for these "profit making" schemes.


Nvm, we can check Facebook while we are supposed to be watching the game.

Edited by TheTinMan99
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