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Green Demands 'Gers Showdown - The Sun

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Gunslinger says" Stockbridge and Mather are part of Ahmed's team, always have been." Gunslinger, if you have evidence that this it is so that Stockbridge and Mather, who hold key positions are actively working to benefit Ahmed, you really can't sit on this evidence.

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thats a touch unfair. tbh i wasn't sure if super had got penny shares or not.


My 8 year old read it as 7000 rather than 700,000, still no accounting for a misplaced typo being the highlight of some peoples night, takes all sorts I suppose. :bouncy2:

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Gunslinger says" Stockbridge and Mather are part of Ahmed's team, always have been." Gunslinger, if you have evidence that this it is so that Stockbridge and Mather, who hold key positions are actively working to benefit Ahmed, you really can't sit on this evidence.


ahmed brought them in. what other conclusion could a person possibly come to?

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ahmed brought them in. what other conclusion could a person possibly come to?


Maybe I am being naive but bringing people in and expecting them to continue to work as part of your team, irrespective of circumstances, which have arisen, is not something honourable people do. Ahmed moved out with many questioning his motives and credibility. If you are right, he has two henchman operating in very important roles in our club. Are you sure of your facts? If so, they should be exposed in a wider way.

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McCoist got his 1,000,000 shares for a penny a pop and got 71,429 (£50k's worth)in the IPO as did Malcolm Murray,Ian Hart,Walter Smith,Charles Green and Brian Stockbridge, it is unclear what if anything they paid for the 71,429 but given Ahmad's absence from that list they may just have paid for them.

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Maybe I am being naive but bringing people in and expecting them to continue to work as part of your team, irrespective of circumstances, which have arisen, is not something honourable people do. Ahmed moved out with many questioning his motives and credibility. If you are right, he has two henchman operating in very important roles in our club. Are you sure of your facts? If so, they should be exposed in a wider way.


mather green ahmed and stockbridge all cam in together.


if you came home to 4 people in your garden and it turned out 2 had been burgling your house what would you think about the other 2?


i may be being harsh on mather at a push.

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