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Boca And Goian Gone?

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No, had we carried over a £30m wage bill we would have lasted only a matter of weeks. Did we ever get that Davis money? I thought the SFA stole it?


We would not have carried over a 30m wage bill. We lost over 20 players. That would still have applied, with the difference being that we had received money for them.


I leave the 800k Davis question for your deductive skills.

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one of the con men had to loan us 25k to stop us going straight back into admin not long after they bought us. players would have to have been sold very very quickly or we would have been back in admin for sure.


Says who? Just asking.

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Says who? Just asking.


as forlans says its in the prospectus from cenkos.


we would literally have to have sold players within days of the transfer. we might have done that.


we might not. given the trouble we had moving those who did transfer i have my doubts.

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SC, you are correct we don't know - which means your argument is no more factual than mine when you say we would have only broken even on McGregor.


Personally I think it I being very naïve to think that we wouldn't have been able to get rid of McGregor, Naismith, Davis et al. Think about it, if we really needed to get them off the wage bill and we hadn't done so by the end of July, we could STILL have sold them on for nothing.


But the chances are that players of the quality of McGregor, Naismith and Davis would still have commanded a transfer fee even in our time of strife. It may not have been in the region of what they were truly worth but even if you looked at, say, 1 million for each of them (which, IMHO, grossly under-values McGregor and Naismith at least - we will say 1 mill is going rate for Davis as we got 800k) that is still 2 million more than we actually received (if you assume we got the Davis cash.... did we get that or is it still being held elsewhere) ?


We would have at least got something for these guys - and even if not we would still not have been stuck with them for a year - there is NO WAY that we wouldn't have been able to get rid of players of that quality.

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