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Help bail us out Gers

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Good on him, a really nice gesture. I have to say though I really wouldn't want to put my money into a ticket for a fund raising friendly with hearts. I'd love to forgive & forget but they are still yapping on about us (the fans). Much better to do as we are doing - spend our money at the smaller clubs in Scotland, ensuring they are more financially sound than they have been.


This is what pisses me off. Our supporters have poured money in to football clubs all over the country in this last year but the hacks et al quickly forget that. We are doing our bit. Just because we don't want to help out one club, and that doesn't suit the SFA/SPL agenda they use it as a stick. Well fuck that.


Yip agreed. The people who do get my sympathy are the tealadys, kitmen etc at Tynecastle who are out of a job.

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From their message board:


monkfish1979, on 24 June 2013 - 08:01 PM, said:


It may well be that the original Rangers were "hard done by" and it's a certainty that they fell victim to gross mismanagement and corporate opportunism. There was no punishment, though. The institution that was Rangers ceased to exist altogether, so no punishment was handed out.


The thing that sticks in folks throats is the level of aid given to a club which is - despite the inherited assets and contracts passed down from the oldco, and despite the lunatic ramblings of a wounded support - a new entity. If we were to wink out of existence and restart as Hearts 2013 or somesuch, we'd pretty much be resigned to playing at a different ground, with different players in the East of Scotland League. Let's face it, precedents are not generally set whilst granting aid to the old firm.


I wish Rangers fans would stfu about being "punished" and recognise the massive leg up they've had from the SFL and the SFA. There is not one lucid argument that will convince anybody but a Rangers fan that "Rangers" are anything other than a tribute act. They're every bit as arrogant and every bit as grotesque, but they're not quite the same. Initially, people were calm, but the way some Rangers fans reacted was horrific.


Trying to be as impartial as possible, what's happening now probably is what's best for the game in Scotland. A league of 12 teams spending far in excess of what they can afford is unsustainable. A league of that size dominated by two clubs that are utterly shite on the European stage unless they do the same is stagnant. A mixture of corruption and ineptitude at boardroom level makes the whole thing a poisonous mess. The SPL is a national embarrassment because of these things, and the old firm have never suggested anything to improve the situation, only threatened to leave.


I reckon at least one or two clubs will shortly be in the same situation as us. We and they may or may not survive the process, but IMHO, and regardless of the outcome, it's probably good for Scottish football. We may even have clubs aside from Celtic with a season goal which isn't just "survive".


At least we'll never have to admit to behaving like the most vocal sections of the Rangers fanbase. At this point in time, I've never been so proud of the Jambos support and so utterly disgusted with der hun. We've pulled together where you started pointing fingers and stumped up whilst you guys ran screaming to the SFA to save you.


Don't lick his arse. His club are a vile boil on the arse of society and the no to newco was against their whole vile institution not just their dual contracts and all sorts of shady dealings.


At the end of the day Rangers failed to make it out of admin, went bankrupt and were liquidated. Hearts are in administration but will make it out, debt free and history intact. Glad that Rangers fans are delighted that we will survive, whereas the club they grew up supporting died.

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Guest kenjay

Didn't Liewell tell the other SPL clubs that (and I paraphrase here) they will travel anywhere and fill every ground to ensure that nobody suffers the loss of the Blue Pound? Or words to that effect. In which case, why doesn't Hertz ask the pond scrapings. After all, though they cannot fill their own ground, they might just manage to fill a stand at swinecastle. It would be nice to think that Ally we-will-remember-who kicked-us-when-we-were-down McSciaf, would tell Hertz where to go but I doubt he has the moral fibre.

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The lack of reality and intelligence and most of all the absence of any sense of irony in that Heart posting is astounding. To me it's reflective of so much of Scottish and British Society today, with the culture becoming more and more of being unable to see past your own nose.


The legacy of fair minded thinking of the philosophers of the age of enlightenment is an endangered species.

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To be fair, CalScot, that's been the ethos of the society since the Evil One emerged from the fell pit back in '79.




'I hate Rangers and wish they were dead, that's why my club going into meltdown prompts me to talk about Rangers.'


Get a life.

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That Hearts post is astonishing. With all that's going on at their club they still find time to lecture us.

I'd love to take the time to try and understand this idea that we received 'aid'. Celtic fans of my acquaintance when feeling emboldened pedal that line too whilst harping on about our 'lack of punishment'. I'm always curious to understand the 'other' view. Anyone know what's behind it, why they think this, they must rationalise it somehow?

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Anyone know what's behind it


The suspension of normal rules which following a sports team engenders, I suppose. We are as guilty of this when considering matters Rangers related, but at least we know it.


Either that or they are just fuds.

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His club are a vile boil on the arse of society and the no to newco was against their whole vile institution not just their dual contracts and all sorts of shady dealings.


A straight-up admission of the mob mentality of that decision - no need to "prove" anything with "evidence" - Rangers are the baddies and deserve to be punished.


It's always these kind of extremist nut-jobs that decide they're to be the voice of the mob though. Social media has a lot to answer for.

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What exactly are we to be punished for? If we lost the EBT case then maybe but we've pretty much won everything and the more you look at it, the more it seems as if we are the victims and it's other that deserve to punished for their sins against us - including Hearts.


The worst thing we actually did was sail a bit close to the wind in legal tax avoidance which caught the ire of an immoral, irresponsible and vindictive HMRC department. The Craig Whyte year was as a direct result of their unjustified actions - and in the end we lost far more money than we gained for newcoing.


I really don't see how we have committed the slightest crime - especially when they welcomed a club who had a previous CVA, and actually benefited from it.

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