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Rangers are back on the (table) top

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Bears' Subbuteo deal


RANGERS have made a table-topping comeback â?? to iconic footie game Subbuteo.

The Ibrox club were given the boot by makers Paul Lamond before they plunged into Scotlandâ??s bottom tier last season.

But a team of tiny plastic Light Blues will reappear after a deal was struck with the firm following Gersâ?? Division 3 title triumph.

Thrilled fansâ?? spokesman Mark Dingwall, of the Rangers Supporters Trust, said: â??Weâ??ve done our time and are delighted to be back.

â??Iâ??m sure Gers-supporting Subbuteo fanatics will be pleased to get a chance to play again.â? Bitter rivals Celtic were the only team from north of the border represented on the famous green baize pitch following the Teddy Bearsâ?? fall fom grace.

Ibrox chiefs were unable to clinch a contract after they plunged into liquidation last year.

Now Rangers will join the Hoops and English giants including Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal as they prepare to start next season in Division 2.

A club spokesman said last night: â??Subbuteo, like Rangers FC, has a rich history and remains hugely popular with supporters so weâ??re delighted to be back in the game.â?

A spokesman for Subbuteo said: â??We are delighted to be launching new Rangers licensed products."



Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4980284/Rangers-are-back-on-the-table-top-Bears-Subbuteo-deal.html#ixzz2X0nKIoeC

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Used to love subbuteo as a kid. Pretty sure I still have a set in my folks loft along with a stack of teams.


I remember Id even use the orange ball in winter....something professionals cant even do now if there is a sniff of snow.

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