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Another look at Keiran Prior

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We do know Ally's contract details. It's all in the IPO prospectus.


Like I said Frankie, if contracts were honoured for staff who TUPE'd and taking this into account an excessive wage budget was calculated and provided for rebuilding the squad, then it's not Ally who's to blame.


I believe that responsibility would land squarely at the feet of the four men who occupied the board room at the time and in particular the finance director who remains at the club.

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Like I said Frankie, if contracts were honoured for staff who TUPE'd and taking this into account an excessive wage budget was calculated and provided for rebuilding the squad, then it's not Ally who's to blame.


I believe that responsibility would land squarely at the feet of the four men who occupied the board room at the time and in particular the finance director who remains at the club.


If you had Rangers best interests at heart and knew the state the club were in, could you go into work every day and then face tens of thousands of fans every match day whilst taking home money you knew the club cannot afford? I know i couldn't. No matter how much i love him as a Rangers legend and a boyhood hero of mine i personally think he has a brass neck and a cheek.


Martin Bain gave Ally his contract i am sure? which at the time would have been normal for any Rangers manager but these days, this is not normal times. No one at our club right now should be taking home anything like that kind of money.

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If you had Rangers best interests at heart and knew the state the club were in, could you go into work every day and then face tens of thousands of fans every match day whilst taking home money you knew the club cannot afford? I know i couldn't. No matter how much i love him as a Rangers legend and a boyhood hero of mine i personally think he has a brass neck and a cheek.


Martin Bain gave Ally his contract i am sure? which at the time would have been normal for any Rangers manager but these days, this is not normal times. No one at our club right now should be taking home anything like that kind of money.


Maybe we should chase the lot of them then. Why stop with the coaching staff though when our captain Jig and POTY Lee Wallace are probably on the same sort of money as the manager? Can we afford them? How about the man who calculated we could afford this who took home 500k last season?

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Maybe we should chase the lot of them then. Why stop with the coaching staff though when our captain Jig and POTY Lee Wallace are probably on the same sort of money as the manager? Can we afford them? How about the man who calculated we could afford this who took home 500k last season?


That is exactly what we should have done. Put the business first for a change.




That man is a conman who we are well rid of and i am 100% certain he knew we could never afford these players, manager or their and his bonuses for that matter. He didn't care.

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That man is a conman who we are well rid of and i am 100% certain he knew we could never afford these players, manager or their and his bonuses for that matter. He didn't care.


And yet here we are with that man gone and our extremely well paid finance director Mr Stockbridge and new CEO still haven't tightened the purse strings it would seem as we've added another 6 players, 3 of which came from SPL clubs and like those who did likewise last season were probably given a reasonable salary bump in the process. Not to mention signing fees which again would no doubt be excessive.

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And yet here we are with that man gone and our extremely well paid finance director Mr Stockbridge and new CEO still haven't tightened the purse strings it would seem as we've added another 6 players, 3 of which came from SPL clubs and like those who did likewise last season were probably given a reasonable salary bump in the process. Not to mention signing fees which again would no doubt be excessive.


Yep, we never learn. It looks like the club are more than willing to continue our ethos of constant short term fixes and accept 3 or 4 years of financial losses in order to get back to the top asap. Of course in reality there is absolutely no need for such a plan when the same goal can be achieved for a fraction of the outlay. As i say, we never learn.


All that money raised from an IPO and where has it went and where will the rest go? On bloomin' operating costs! So frustrating.

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And yet here we are with that man gone and our extremely well paid finance director Mr Stockbridge and new CEO still haven't tightened the purse strings it would seem as we've added another 6 players, 3 of which came from SPL clubs and like those who did likewise last season were probably given a reasonable salary bump in the process. Not to mention signing fees which again would no doubt be excessive.


Yep, we never learn. It looks like the club are more than willing to continue our ethos of constant short term fixes and accept 3 or 4 years of financial losses in order to get back to the top asap. Of course in reality there is absolutely no need for such a plan when the same goal can be achieved for a fraction of the outlay. As i say, we never learn.


All that money raised from an IPO and where has it went and where will the rest go? On bloomin' operating costs! So frustrating.

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Yep, we never learn. It looks like the club are more than willing to continue our ethos of constant short term fixes and accept 3 or 4 years of financial losses in order to get back to the top asap. Of course in reality there is absolutely no need for such a plan when the same goal can be achieved for a fraction of the outlay. As i say, we never learn.


All that money raised from an IPO and where has it went and where will the rest go? On bloomin' operating costs! So frustrating.


It's been brought about by a complete lack of transparency from the current regime. I agree we shouldn't be using any significant amount of the IPO money to cover operating costs.


We were supposed to have money in the bank and be working within our means pre IPO according to several public boasts by Green. So why then did it appear when Green and Stockbridge were pressed on the issue towards the end of the season that more than half of the IPO money was missing? Where did it go? Are we back to the losing £1m a month sham? because even that doesn't begin to cover it.


You said before that you think Ally has a 'brass neck and a cheek' to be taking that wage from the club right now. My point is that he's only doing his job. It's not his job to figure out or to question whether the club can afford the amount he's paid personally or player budget he's given. Just like we blamed SDM instead of DA or WS for overspending the same should apply here.

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It's not his job to figure out or to question whether the club can afford the amount he's paid personally or player budget he's given.


As a shareholder though, should he not have a responsibility to himself to know those sorts of things?

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