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how do we get the young into football

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I'm not sure if this is a common thing with football clubs in general, but this gives us all hope where the young kids are concerned.




Wouldn't like to send my 10 year old to paradise tho' :D

Edited by 54andcounting
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I am exactly the same with my son Craig. Sometimes it is hard separating us being friends to me being his dad but he is growing to understand the difference and i am managing both aspects better too. It is such a joy. Now i have another wee boy to bring up as well with our youngest who is just 6 weeks old.


Again, i know what you mean, if mine isn't asking me to play split screen with him on some RPG, it is Fifa, playing in the same team against Celtic or playing cup competitions together. He loves winning cups with his daddy!


Strange you talk about guy time because even with my Mrs being here, my son has really become much closer to me than he ever was, he is a complete daddies boy where as for his first 5 or 6 years he was a mummies boy. He loves spending time with me just now. Last night he was in his room creating a fathers day poster for me and writing out my card, he came into the living room and said "daddy i have a couple of things for you in my room but you cannot see them until tmrw morning" I had honestly forgot about fathers day and this morning he was up before me and ran into our room with his poster, card and box of chocolates for me. He was so happy with himself. The poster was of him and i in the park playing football.


That is great that you are trying to help kids out Craig. You sound like a really nice guy. Your wee boy is so lucky.


SC, you sound like a good guy too and you clearly are doing a very good job with your kid. Good luck too with the wee one.


We see a lot of single parent families here in Bermuda and it definitely has an impact on the kids - that is saying nothing against the single parents but my footballing kids in this situation are just screaming out for a father figure - it is so sad. I take them out for lunch every now and then too. Am considering doing Big Brothers Big Sisters, just not sure I have the time to dedicate.

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There has to be a good mix and balance. During schoool days we wanted nothing else but to be playing football 3-4 nights a week plus on the weekend but we were still into the old Mega drives and nintendos also, just not to a level where it has hypnotised kids.


I would say the government are also responsible as it is part of their agenda to dumb down kids and put them in a trance - easier to control. Some Adults are the same, they are not interested in anything else apart from what time Coronation St and Eastenders is on so what chance to kids have when the adults dont even think for themselves.

Edited by Gribz
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Our problems are very straightforward. We are a nation of fat, lazy bastards with no intelligent coaching infrastructure or philosophy with regard to football.


It is not just down to luck that Uruguay have far more decent footballers in their current first XI than we have produced in the last 15-20 years combined (with half the population). The kids there will all be out playing every day with coaches focusing them on pass and move football.


I would imagine one or 2 of our players in the past 20 years have been born with the same tools as the likes of Cavani. Hopefully.

Edited by Ser Barristan Selmy
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I have to agree about the whole computers thing. Our son is 5 - nearly 6. We have xbox/ps3 etc but he never really plays them. We got him a DS and for a couple of weeks it was constant 'can I play my ds' etc, but quickly it's become something to do in the car on a long journey.

We had him in football training for a while but he really doesn't have the concentration for organised coaching yet. He goes to an afterschool club each day and they take them out to parks/woods etc and don't take any toys or anything with them. It's all about using their imaginations, climbing trees etc.

When we get home he is straight outside in the garden playing football.


Aside from the computers thing, I genuinely believe sleeping patterns play a huge part as well. Our boy is an early riser, always has been. He's up about 6-6.30 every day. To combat this, he needs to be in bed by 7.30 to be well rested, but I know many of his peers will be up til 9pm or later every night. A good sleep followed by breakfast is so important for children. Concentration and energy levels are all dependent on this. We also don't allow him to fall asleep with tv on as I don't think it's a good start to a sleep. Kids get tired during the day due to less sleep then they need. How would they then have energy to play out if they don't get it?

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There has to be a good mix and balance. During schoool days we wanted nothing else but to be playing football 3-4 nights a week plus on the weekend but we were still into the old Mega drives and nintendos also, just not to a level where it has hypnotised kids.


I would say the government are also responsible as it is part of their agenda to dumb down kids and put them in a trance - easier to control. Some Adults are the same, they are not interested in anything else apart from what time Coronation St and Eastenders is on so what chance to kids have when the adults dont even think for themselves.


Our problems are very straightforward. We are a nation of fat, lazy bastards with no intelligent coaching infrastructure or philosophy with regard to football.


It is not just down to luck that Uruguay have far more decent footballers in their current first XI than we have produced in the last 15-20 years combined (with half the population). The kids there will all be out playing every day with coaches focusing them on pass and move football.


I would imagine one or 2 of our players in the past 20 years have been born with the same tools as the likes of Cavani. Hopefully.


A couple of good posts there. Well said lads.

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