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Kilmarnock part company with manager Kenny Shiels

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Kilmarnock have terminated the contract of manager Kenny Shiels, with immediate effect.


A statement from the Rugby Park club explains that the departure is for "football and regulatory" reasons.


It adds that it was "mutually agreed that his contract as manager should end".


The 57-year-old's position was under review following various run-ins with the Scottish Football Association and a ninth-place finish in the SPL.


More to follow.



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Official Statement


Kilmarnock Football Club and Mr. Kenneth Shiels announce the termination of Mr. Shiels' contract as football manager with immediate effect, by mutual agreement.


The Club thanks Kenny for his service over the last three years, firstly as assistant to Mixu Paatelainen, thereafter as interim manager and subsequently as manager.


His tenure as manager was marked most notably by the Club's League Cup success in March, 2012 and his place in the Club's history is thereby assured.Back to back victories over Rangers in season 2011-12 and a historic win at Celtic Park in season 2012-13 will live on in the memory of the Club's supporters.


Kenny's work ethic and his determination to introduce young players into the first team were evident throughout his time with the Club.


Unfortunately season 2012-13 saw the Club exit the League Cup at the first hurdle and go on to record our poorest home record since season 1980-81, culminating in seven matches without a victory at Rugby Park to exit the Scottish Cup and miss out on the 'top six' and then drop to ninth place with five defeats in our final six SPL fixtures.


A difficult relationship with the Scottish F.A. resulted in several touch-line bans and recent comments regarding a fellow SPL club and the Scottish F.A. Judicial Panel incurred a further suspension which would have seen Kenny commence next season in the stand, rather than the dug-out.As a result, the Club was also prosecuted by the Judicial Panel's Compliance Officer at a hearing on 6th June and will discover the penalty to be imposed on 21st June.


For these reasons, both footballing and regulatory, it was mutually agreed that his contract as manager should end.The Club wishes Kenny every success in the future and thanks him for delivering the League Cup to Rugby Park in 2012.



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Kenny Shiels: I am the victim not the villain in Kilmarnock exit

12 Jun 2013 07:33


THE former Killie boss spoke out as chairman Michael Johnston was smuggled in through a side door to avoid fan protests at Rugby Park.


KENNY SHIELS last night claimed he has been the victim of an SFA vendetta which cost him his job at Kilmarnock.


And his sacking prompted fury from supporters as around 250 demonstrated outside Rugby Park in support of the Northern Irishman with Killie chairman Michael Johnston needing a police escort to attend a meeting at the ground. Shiels’s outspoken remarks in his three years with the club brought a series of censures and punishments from the ruling body but the 57-year-old believes his larger than life personality had his critics queuing up to slap him down.


He said: “I feel as though I’m a victim. If you look at the bigger picture then I’ve been involved in three situations this season. But if you look at the reaction I’ve had it’s as though there have been 23.


“Because I’m good media it all gets blown up a bit more. I don’t even think I’ve been called up to Hampden the most times this season compared to other managers. Yet each time there is a sense of nitpicking or the need to take a scalp.


“I feel as if I’ve let the club down as they are now being prosecuted. I feel a sense of guilt over that and I feel hurt towards myself for having a contribution in that.


“I certainly haven’t brought the game into disrepute which I was accused of.


“I’d never bring the game into disrepute. In fact, I believe since I arrived in Scotland that I’ve made a significant improvement to the SPL with regard to the standard of play.


“I put technical and tactical programmes in place where other clubs have said, ‘that’s good, I’ll have a piece of that.’ They like the way Kilmarnock play. I believe the SFA should be saying that what I did was good and congratulating me.”


Chairman Johnston last night refused to accept he’d done anything wrong by sacking Shiels.


He told Record Sport: “I’m deeply saddened by what’s happened because I was looking forward to a long-term relationship with Kenny as manager. Last year went as well as it possibly could for the club but, regrettably, we now have to consider our managerial options once again.


“I always act in the best interests of the club when I take decisions like this.”


But outraged Killie fans called for Johnston to go after expressing their disgust over the decision to bin the man who won the Ayrshire club the League Cup for the first time in the club’s history when they beat Celtic 15 months ago.


The Kilmarnock Supporters Association hold their AGM on Saturday and they’re intent on getting rid of the chairman.


Spokesman Sandy Armour said: “The fans are pro-Shiels and anti-Johnston. The Killie supporters are tired of the chairman and there could be moves made at the AGM to seek his removal.


“Kenny was a good fit for Kilmarnock and a breath of fresh air but the chairman has shown no desire to work with any fan groups. There are fans who are boycotting season-ticket books and cancelling their subscription to the club’s lottery.


“I hope the bank is paying careful attention to all this.”


Johnston refused to speak to furious fans as he was escorted into the club hotel through a back door by cops to avoid last night’s protest.


The fans held up banners, chanted support for Shiels and demanding Johnston’s head for the controversial move.


The Ayrshire club are now looking for a fifth manager in eight years since Johnston has had control at Rugby Park.


Jimmy Nicholl, who had been Shiels’s No.2, will take temporary charge of team affairs and look after Killie’s pre-season arrangements.


Shiels, whose future had been the subject of speculation for days, was finally chopped in a statement yesterday.


It read: “The club thanks Kenny for his service over the last three years.


“Unfortunately, last season saw the club exit the League Cup at the first hurdle and go on to record our poorest home record since 1981.


“Seven matches without a victory at Rugby Park saw the team exit the Scottish Cup and miss out on the top six.


“A difficult relationship with the SFA resulted in several touchline bans and recent comments regarding a fellow SPL club and the SFA’s Judicial Panel incurred a further suspension. As a result the club was also prosecuted.


“For these reasons it was mutually agreed that Kenny’s contract should end.”



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SPONSORS are turning the heat up on under-fire Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston by threatening to pull their backing.


Local firm Hamilton Tarmac are the first to end their sponsorship at the Rugby Park club in the wake of Kenny Shiels’ sacking.


Supporters who want Johnston out are already gearing up to boycott buying season tickets.


Now fed-up businessman Willie Hamilton has revealed he will pump the £8,000 earmarked for Killie into Hurlford juniors instead.


He said: “There are a lot of people thinking about pulling out with the way things have been going on.


“We had boards last season worth £8,000, but we won’t be sponsoring them next season.


“The money that I was going to invest in Kilmarnock is now going to Hurlford to sponsor their strips.”


Hamilton had a row with Johnston last season when his boards were moved from behind a goal, but Shiels’ dismissal was the final straw. He added: “I think everyone is in the same frame of mind — Mr Johnston is a guy who has been there far too long and is holding the club back.


“Kenny was a very hard-working manager.


“He had so much energy and passion and he did so much for the community.”


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4968014/Backers-back-out-at-Kilmarnock.html#ixzz2WBSuTNw0

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