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Dear Rangers - would you like 30 pieces of silver ?

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Sporting integrity is an utter nonsense. A lawwell buzz word with no meaning or relevance in the real world. Are we going to start letting the opposition score a goal if we get a favorable offside decision as well.


We can build ourselves a nice we island of sporting integrity and wave at celtc in the cl in 2015 or we can get on with fighting scratching biting and doing everything it takes to get back where we belong asap.


Sporting integrity probably demands we never rejoin the SPL. Failing a proper determination to do that then the sooner the better for rangers sake.

Edited by the gunslinger
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Fair points as well GS.


Like I say, it's not as simple a subject as some suggest. There are lots of pros and cons and many will disagree which is which.


Ultimately, though I don't think season ticket renewals would be all that affected if SPL2 did happen.

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Sporting integrity probably demands we never rejoin the SPL.


Not true at all....


Sporting integrity (in the proper sense) dictates that we join the SPL through the proper channels ie working our way through the leagues and being promoted as league champions.


If we were fast tracked up the league, it would create a stick with which we'd get beaten with for years to come. When we reach the top tier, we need to have done it ourselves, on merit. That way nobody can say we should or deserve to be there.


As for Europe, it wouldn't matter if we were put straight into the SPL for next season....we can't get a European license until the company has filed 3 years worth of accounts!!! By the time we have done that, we should be back in the top tier anyway.

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If only Liewell had been pursued as vigorously for his blatant lies as studiously as Green was for his minimal embellishments, rather than being seen as the inventor of Sporting Integrity, which I am certain he couldn't spell, we might have been in a better place.

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Sporting integrity is an utter nonsense. A lawwell buzz word with no meaning or relevance in the real world. Are we going to start letting the opposition score a goal if we get a favorable offside decision as well.


We can build ourselves a nice we island of sporting integrity and wave at cl in the cl in 2015 or we can get on with fighting scratching biting and doing everything it takes to get back where we belong asap.


Sporting integrity probably demands we never rejoin the SPL. Failing a proper determination to do that then the sooner the better for rangers sake.


Its an utter nonsense when expressed by the likes of Lawell.


That however does make the idea or concept of sporting honesty, fairness and integrity extinct.

Edited by D'Artagnan
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As I say sporting integrity is a nonsense. Football is utterly moraly bankrupt and if we try to be the only ones with integrity it will be the end of us.


Morality in football is dwindling, but I wouldn't say it was completely bankrupt yet.


Picking and choosing who gets to be in what division based on their commercial potential would be a massive step further than anything that's gone before.

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Where's the integrity in sacking a player who is the victim of a crime perpetrated by a yahoo?


I don't think that was well handled at all, but it would be more of a business issue anyway. It's not even in the same ball park as what's being proposed.


Your argument seems to be that, since not everything in football is squeaky clean, any heinous act is acceptable.


There is a limit, and once your past that point sport stops being a contest - it becomes rigged and it's no longer exciting or fun.

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I have followed Rangers for over 40 years and throughout that period not all those times have been good. But I am drawn back time and time gain to this sporting institution' date=' this way of life, not through success or glory, much as I enjoy those moments, but because I follow club which at its very soul is an attitude of fairness, honesty and integrity and which throughout it's history has recognised that hard work, toil and endeavour are the essential ingredients to success.


Accepting a fast track to SPL2 would be selling that soul.[/quote']


Reading the post and the discussion that followed I am reminded of the last few lines of the Bard's immortal poem "Such a Parcel o'Rogues in a Nation". If we change the word 'English' to ' the cabal's ', then I think we can paraphrase the situation reasonably well.


But pith and power, till my last hour,

I'll mak this declaration;

We're bought and sold for English gold-

Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!



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