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Diamonds are Forever

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And so are Rangers. Allegedly.


Rangers, Now, Then & Forever.


But for the older Bears among us the thread title has a link to Bond. Not James Bond, but Ibrox Bond Holders. Who bought into our club with the promise of a seat for life.


Guys like Gary.


Only Gary received an e-mail informing him this will be the last season his seat would be guaranteed. Gary subsequently phoned the club today and pointed out that he had bought his seat for life. He was told by a staff member at our club that his seat had been bought from the oldco and the newco would not be honouring the agreement.


One wonders where to start with this. How about the thousands of Rangers fans who have to suffer daily taunts that â??your club is deadâ?. Our support has laboured tirelessly to dispel this falsehood, quoting several objective official sources which confirm the continuity of our history and of course, our titles.


Of course there was considerable anger inside Ibrox when several players refused to TUPE over to the newco. In fact this very subject is currently the subject of litigation, drawing comments at the time from Charles Green â??I'm very, very disappointed of course. â?? and "I think this is just opportunism."


Perhaps then those inside Ibrox will understand the â??disappointmentâ? of fans who see this latest dishonouring of an agreement with the support as just â??opportunismâ?.


There was considerable mocking of the SFA/SPL when they continually moved the goalposts with regard to oldco and newco. When it suited their agenda we were oldco when it didnâ??t we were newco. It seems our club are as guilty of this practice as those they criticised for such very action.


I sure someone familiar with corporate or business law will point out what Rangers are doing is within the law. But that doesn't make it right. Particular when it is to the detriment of supporters who by their loyalty have kept this club alive.


The club I supported has become a mere shadow of itself. And that is being generous.


Very generous.

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The club as much as genuinely possible should be allowing bond-holders the chance to retain their life seats.


I can't see any reason, as long as people are given the opportunity, for this not to happen.

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The club as much as genuinely possible should be allowing bond-holders the chance to retain their life seats.


I can't see any reason, as long as people are given the opportunity, for this not to happen.


Its now quite clear Frankie that such retention now has a condition attached thereto viz. the renewal of season ticket.

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Its now quite clear Frankie that such retention now has a condition attached thereto viz. the renewal of season ticket.


Was that the case previously - i.e. could a bond holder not renew for a year or two but still retain their seat; thus effectively renting it out?

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I'm not that familiar with these bonds, but weren't those not essentially an agreement with "the company" rather than "the club". And was it not said at the very first instance that along with other debts etc., somesuch as bonds would go down the drain too? As in: the administration pendulum swings in both ways.


Now, I see that the bond holders would like to retain their seats, but from my understanding, their right to have a seat for life was with the OldCo running tickets/seat sales et al, not the NewCo. Sure, NewCo could honour that in some way, yet, unless these people do something (e.g. buy season tickets) for NewCo, why should it?


Don't get me wrong here, I'm just asking and can fully understand the frustration of the bond-holders.

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