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Chasing the Dragon - Update

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I today had a meeting with Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, where I highlighted my concerns regarding the conduct of HMRC in respect of The Rangers Tax Case.


In particular, during the course of that meeting, I made reference to Section 98 of Lord Nimmo Smith's report where he appears to indicate that the material passed on to BBC Scotland and other parties, was in fact stolen evidence and thus the appropriation of this material as well as the receiving and retaining of same, constituted a number of criminal acts, which to date, no person appears to have been charged. Furthermore certain agencies appear to have failed in their public duty to report such crimes.


Mr Fitzpatrick promised to investigate the matter, and in particular look into the matters raised, and write to the authorities concerned.


I shall of course, keep you all updated on this progress.


If any of you are wondering why I pursued this via the Scottish Parliament Representative for my constituency rather than the Westminster one, the answer is quite simple. My Westminster representative is one of the few people who supported Galloway's Early Day Motion 913 accusing our club of deliberately side stepping our tax liabilities.

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Great work D'Art - as always.

I wouldn't have been able to resist presenting your MP with the evidence that he was wrong.

I take it that it's Jim McGovern we're talking about.


Yes ..lets just say he and I had an exchange of letters...

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Good on you. I'd love to read his words of encouragement to us.


In actual fact bb he was extremely poor - non factual, off on tangents about Tommy Burns funeral. The factual points I put to him, which completely usurped his allegations, remain unanswered to this day.


In saying that getting answers from him was never my aim, making him think twice about publicly lying about my club was most certainly was.

Edited by D'Artagnan
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In actual fact bb he was extremely poor - non factual' date=' off on tangents about Tommy Burns funeral. The factual points I put to him, which completely usurped his allegations, remain unanswered to this day.


In saying that getting answers from him was never my aim, making him think twice about publicly lying about my club was most certainly was.[/quote']


"Extremely poor" doesn't surprise me - I had that suspicion. Bringing up Tommy Burns while on the subject of EBTs, Rangers and HMRC suggests either a razor like intellect or pea brained bigotry.


Don't know how far you will get with Fitzpatrick, but Darling might be a very good next port of call if someone is a constituent. There's an open goal with this story for a lot of political mischief.


On this subject, maybe Ian Davidson wants to put forward an Early Day Motion condemning his fellow MPs for jumping the gun without adequate research, and being biased. He could also call for a parliamentary investigation into the HMRC investigation, how much it has cost the tax payer, and why it is continuing. Also, the disclosure of documents as alluded to by LNS.


Anybody know Ian Davidson?

Edited by bluebear54
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"Extremely poor" doesn't surprise me - I had that suspicion. Bringing up Tommy Burns while on the subject of EBTs, Rangers and HMRC suggests either a razor like intellect or pea brained bigotry.


Don't know how far you will get with Fitzpatrick, but Darling might be a very good next port of call if someone is a constituent. There's an open goal with this story for a lot of political mischief.


On this subject, maybe Ian Davidson wants to put forward an Early Day Motion condemning his fellow MPs for jumping the gun without adequate research, and being biased. He could also call for a parliamentary investigation into the HMRC investigation, how much it has cost the tax payer, and why it is continuing. Also, the disclosure of documents as alluded to by LNS.


Anybody know Ian Davidson?


This is the one he declined to offer a response on



Dear Mr McGovern,


Thank you for your reply to my e-mail in the form of your letter dated 29.01.2013. I am not in the least bit surprised that you have received a number of e-mails on this subject, it has stimulated interest and discussion well beyond the confines of the Dundee community of Rangers supporters, and onto a more national scale. I understand some of my fellow Rangers supporters, out with Dundee, have taken the trouble to write to some of your peers in the Scottish Labour Party to clarify if the views expressed by your support for this motion are reflective of the Scottish Labour Party as a whole.


As you will know from my previous meeting with you, and my involvement with the Dundee West Tenants & Residents Group, I am particularly passionate about ensuring justice and fairness is applied to everyone.


I particularly welcomed the re-assurance provided by your press release which cited instances where Old Firm supporters have left rivalry behind. Unfortunately however that sentiment has not characterised the Rangers tax crisis and many of the comments directed against my club have been false, erroneous, and malicious and as we seen following the decision of First Tier Tax Tribunal, and by the actions of the lawyers acting on behalf of Sir David Murray, and those of the new company headed by Mr Green – potentially libellous in some instances. Of considerable concern is the fact that much of the pre-determination of Rangers guilt in this matter was as a result of the sensational exclusives revealed on the Rangers Tax Case Blog – which a number of journalists who have viewed the leaked documents have declared that such material “was sourced from within HMRC”. Such conduct reflects a grave breach of criminal law and I am currently awaiting a reply from Mr. David Gauke MP as to whether HMRC reported such criminality to the Police, the primary agency responsible for the investigation of crime in Scotland.


While I fully understand why the deliberate side stepping of tax liabilities by immoral use of the insolvency laws should be a matter of concern for any fair minded individual, and a matter I would support my local MP for demonstrating support for, you have not in your letter outlined the set of circumstances which causes you to believe as per the Early Day Motion, that this a course of conduct embarked upon by Rangers FC. As I intimated to you in my original e-mail, such a view or perspective runs totally contrary to the chronological series of events portrayed in the media, and by the legal correspondence I have received in my capacity as a shareholder of the original company. Furthermore I understand that such immoral use of the insolvency laws to avoid paying tax and paying off small creditors is more often than not characterised by the same individual, spouse or other close relation, often forming the new company. That is clearly not the case with regard to the circumstances surrounding the liquidation of Rangers FC.


I would therefore be obliged if you would intimate to me the evidence which you have at your disposal, and of concern that I as a former shareholder clearly do not, which gives rise to the assertion in that Early Day Motion, that in all the circumstances, Rangers FC are a club and company who have side-stepped their responsibilities through insolvency.

Edited by D'Artagnan
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