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The Right to question

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As usual, some excellent points in response. No surprise with the quality of responses that Gersnet has recently seen it's membership reach the 3000 mark.


What really alarms me in all of this is that considerable injustice has been wrought against our club over the last couple of years. This is not a figment of the Rangers support imagination - or the rantings of a paranoid Rangers online community - Alex Mooney (non Rangers fan) writing in the Rangers Standard describes it as a "witch hunt which shamed Scotland"


Despite this many of the individuals responsible for this - either through incompetence or maliciousness - remain unchallenged, remain in their posts. Regan and Doncaster are two prime examples. Is this laziness from our journalists or have we now reach a point where poor and substandard journalism has discredited them so much that they can no longer affect change or alter public perception ?


I suspect the former and let me give you an example. Section 98 of Lord Nimmo Smith's report re the SPL enquiry quite clearly infers evidence has been stolen in the Rangers Tax Case and passed onto second parties (BBC Scotland etc). Despite the sensational nature of this revelation not one newspaper or journalist has picked up on this story nor followed it up with an interview at with HMRC to explain how this could have happened.


Quite simply a terrible state of affairs.

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As far as I'm aware, ECHR does 't deal with corporate bodies. Not as victims anyway.

Maybe an open letter to Regan might be a start.

Surely some papers would publish it?


It does deal with corporate bodies bluebear - but as you allude to not normally as victims but as perpretators. There is some debate however whether a legal entity such as Rangers, which has thousands of shareholders, and as a consequence victims of such action , would be covered in these circumstances.

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As far as I'm aware, ECHR does 't deal with corporate bodies. Not as victims anyway.

Maybe an open letter to Regan might be a start.

Surely some papers would publish it?


It does deal with corporate bodies bluebear - but as you allude to not normally as victims but as perpretators. There is some debate however whether a legal entity such as Rangers' date=' which has thousands of shareholders, and as a consequence victims of such action , would be covered in these circumstances.[/quote']


I'm not talking about either the old or new corporate entities that represented Rangers bringing a case, rather a case being built around the abuse of human rights suffered purely by the shareholders of these corporate entities, through the actions of the SFA/SPL/PGB. The idea is to get answers to these questions for us first, and one possible way to do this is to allege that the cabal perpetrated actions against us and get them to answer for their actions in front of the ECHR. Who knows how wide the range of questions requiring answers could be. The big point to keep in mind is that since Rangers are not involved in the bringing of this action to an external court, they would not come under the influence of FIFA or UEFA. As far as I know the RFFF funds were collected to be the fans way of protecting and assisting Rangers. If it achieves the cabal being forced to take responsibility then so be it.

It appers thr RFFF can be contacted on this site - http://www.rangersfansfightingfund.com/

Edited by barca72
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It seems to me that this sense of requiring the support to be more solid and less brittle is growing stronger. It seems to me that the fans feel that the club and the support have been under siege for long enough. Leaving our own board to the side for the moment, we know that the major villains are the mhedia, Doncaster, Lawwell and Regan. We can deal with the mhedia by starving them but just how do we deal with the other three. Everybody has complained and said that they have to go, but how do we get rid of them? They seem to be cocooned and free from having to face responsibility to both the Rangers fans and indeed Scottish football as a whole. We have seen the club go after them with the embargo and win but this was frowned upon by FIFA and UEFA which allowed them to come back with their 5-way agreement and blackmail us in to cooperating to get our licence. These questions that D'Art and the other posters have posed require to be answered and since the mhedia wont ask them we need another vehicle to be allowed to pose them ourselves. D'Art may have given us the answer with his question - " Given one of the fundamental precepts of the European Law on Human Rights is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty, would the SFA concede that their handling of the Rangers situation constitutes a breach of those rights ? " I don't know the proper name but I'm sure there must be something along the lines of the European Council for Human Rights. I don't know who to contact for the RFFF, but I can't think of a better place for that money to go than to force Regan et al to defend some kind of a case before such a Council. If the club can't take them to task then surely shareholders of the past and/or present holding companies who ran/run Rangers can get a fair hearing - free from any pressure from FIFA or UEFA on the club - and answers to these questions that are just hanging there and at the same time force the media to carry the story. This would surely cause a clear out, forced by FIFA or UEFA of the SFA, SPL and the Professional Game Board. I'm sure if such an action was practical then the fans would solidly throw their support behind it. We know the mhedia will come back at us accusing us of destroying Scottish football etc. They can have the option of paying us back all of the money they witheld from us and freely answer the questions, or not. I shall now wait to be slaughtered, but surely we have to do something other than throw barbs.


I agree with this mate however try and hit that return button a few times, my eyes were hurting reading that :)

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It seems to me that this sense of requiring the support to be more solid and less brittle is growing stronger. It seems to me that the fans feel that the club and the support have been under siege for long enough. Leaving our own board to the side for the moment, we know that the major villains are the mhedia, Doncaster, Lawwell and Regan. We can deal with the mhedia by starving them but just how do we deal with the other three. Everybody has complained and said that they have to go, but how do we get rid of them? They seem to be cocooned and free from having to face responsibility to both the Rangers fans and indeed Scottish football as a whole. We have seen the club go after them with the embargo and win but this was frowned upon by FIFA and UEFA which allowed them to come back with their 5-way agreement and blackmail us in to cooperating to get our licence. These questions that D'Art and the other posters have posed require to be answered and since the mhedia wont ask them we need another vehicle to be allowed to pose them ourselves. D'Art may have given us the answer with his question - " Given one of the fundamental precepts of the European Law on Human Rights is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty, would the SFA concede that their handling of the Rangers situation constitutes a breach of those rights ? " I don't know the proper name but I'm sure there must be something along the lines of the European Council for Human Rights. I don't know who to contact for the RFFF, but I can't think of a better place for that money to go than to force Regan et al to defend some kind of a case before such a Council. If the club can't take them to task then surely shareholders of the past and/or present holding companies who ran/run Rangers can get a fair hearing - free from any pressure from FIFA or UEFA on the club - and answers to these questions that are just hanging there and at the same time force the media to carry the story. This would surely cause a clear out, forced by FIFA or UEFA of the SFA, SPL and the Professional Game Board. I'm sure if such an action was practical then the fans would solidly throw their support behind it. We know the mhedia will come back at us accusing us of destroying Scottish football etc. They can have the option of paying us back all of the money they witheld from us and freely answer the questions, or not. I shall now wait to be slaughtered, but surely we have to do something other than throw barbs.


Barca you have made some excellent points throughout this thread. One thing struck me as I read your post above - no matter what mechanism we use to put the perpretators of that injustice under pressure - so long as we continue to do fail to go on the attack our club will always be in a position where it has to defend.

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Thousands of Bears marched on Hampden last year demanding that we be put in the third division. I'd like to see the organizers of that march getting a demonstration set up to protest about Regan's involvement in our shafting and the fact that he's still in a job.

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