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â??We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.â?�

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Last week Andy Kerr, President of the Rangers Supporters Assembly was featured on the club website endorsing the clubâ??s decision to freeze season ticket prices for the 2013/14 season. Andyâ??s commentâ??s were helpful and supportive, and he acknowledged the wisdom of â??freezing the prices of season tickets so that they are within peopleâ??s budgetsâ?. Later, in an interview with the Evening Times, he commented on the ongoing board room upheavals saying,


â??There is a bit of uncertainty over who is at the helm and driving things forward but hopefully we will get some positive news and people will back the club and we can get off and running again. â??What is the board structure and ownership situation going forward? If we could get some positive news there, I think that would really help and people would be more willing to renew their season tickets.â?


Andyâ??s comments simply echo the thoughts and concerns that many of us have at present, and his media contributions in the past have, invariably, been thoughtful and reflective of the views of most Rangers fans. Andy Kerr is one of our most prominent spokespersons and, undoubtedly, a good Rangers supporter, yet he often attracts irrational and unfair criticism. Indeed, these latest comments immediately prompted a thread on Rangers Media entitled, â??Who voted for Andy Kerrâ?


A number of the posts were antiâ??Kerr and antiâ??Rangers Supporters Assembly, and the one I have quoted below is not untypical of the antipathy often expressed toward the RSA and other organised Rangers supporters groups.


â??As a supporter and a share holder I donâ??t remember voting for Andy Kerr as my spokesperson and how did he get to be president of the assembly? Iâ??m starting to get pissed off with these empire builders whether on the board or in so called supporters groupsâ?


I am also a season ticket holder and a shareholder, but I donâ??t have a particular problem with Andy Kerr or the others who frequently pop up on TV and radio to comment on the latest developments at Rangers; although I readily admit there have been a few occasions in the past when I have disagreed with comments they have made.


There is no doubt that the behaviour of former RSA Vice-Chairman, Ross Blyth has not assisted Andy Kerr, nor enhanced the reputation of the Rangers Supporters Assembly, and Blythâ??s underhand behaviour in relation to the Dundee United boycott has undoubtedly damaged the Assembly. But that doesnâ??t account for the hostility frequently directed at Andy Kerr and the RSA â?? hostility that clearly pre-dates Blythâ??s attempt to hoodwink Rangers fans and goes back a long, long way.


The same could be said of the Rangers Supporters Trust and its most prominent spokesperson, Mark Dingwall. It wouldnâ??t be unfair to say that Mark attracts controversy in the way that a magnet attracts metal. He is consistently berated on the various Rangers fanzines and, for many supporters, he is a hate figure and quite often the focus of their collective ire, even when his statements are factually accurate and reflective of the general view of the fans. But, like him or not, he continues to be a fearless advocate for our club and an articulate spokesman.


In spite of the very successful Buy Rangers campaign that raised in excess of £250K, the Rangers Supporters Trust, like the RSA, cannot lay claim to speak on behalf of the majority of Rangers fans, and I doubt if the fans consider either organisation to be representative of their interests and opinions. Even the articulate, highly respected and extremely effective, Chris Graham has come in for significant criticism of late, following the publication on The Rangers Standard, of the article â??Exclusive: Ibrox Leakâ? that criticised Imran Ahmadâ??s alleged boardroom leaks to the press.


So it would appear that no one really â??fits the billâ?? as the ideal fans representative. Is there anyone out there, I wonder, who will ever be acceptable to all of the fans?


Before addressing that question, we must first accept the inescapable fact that our massive support is so fractured and factionalised, that it is almost powerless to influence the board room struggles that currently engulf our great club. Our collective strength and influence is totally negated by our constant squabbles. The unity of last summer was a transient thing and is now a distant memory. It seems that we have reverted to type, and are content to perpetuate our petty squabbles.


Whilst internecine strife, factional in-fighting and power struggles characterise daily life in the Rangers boardroom, similar â?? and equally damaging â?? fractures continue to characterise the Rangers support. Whilst we rightly criticise our Board for their unseemly and highly damaging behaviour, we are guilty of that self-same behaviour. We have become entrenched in our factions and self interest groups, and it seems that we are more interested in empire building than the unity that is imperative to make our collective voice an influential and effective one, both within and out with our club.


I donâ??t dispute that the various supporters groups are â??die-hardâ?? Rangers fans, and I firmly believe that each one has Rangers firmly at heart; but, unfortunately, that commitment just doesnâ??t translate to unity of purpose or unity of action. Having â??Rangers at heartâ?? is, simply, not enough.


After the unprecedented events of the past two years, and having endured a crisis that threatened our very existence, we are still unable to achieve unity under one â??umbrellaâ?? supporters organisation â?? a unity that everyone agrees is absolutely imperative, but that no one seems to think important enough to set aside the personal (and group) self-interest that is clearly a major obstacle to achieving that unity.


Rangerâ??s supporters are crying out for clear and unequivocal leadership and an effective, unified voice. There has never been a greater need for fans to collaborate to ensure that our collective voice is an effective and influential one; a powerful, thoughtful and rational voice that articulates our opinions, hopes, aspirations and concerns. There is NO place for individual aggrandisement! We are here to serve the â??wholeâ?? not the personal whims and aspirations of those who would rather seek power and preferment.


We must realise that we have more in common than we have to divide us. We must focus on the greater good. There is no fundamental reason why the existing supporters groups cannot â??morphâ?? into the umbrella organisation that we so desperately need. The aims and objectives of the many Rangers groups such as, the RST, the Assembly, the Association, Rangers Unite, Save Rangers etc. are not incompatible, and there is no insurmountable obstacle to an amalgamation of these groups.


American President, Herbert Hoover once said, â??Honest differences of views and honest debate are not disunity. They are the vital process of policy making among free menâ? and we would do well to accept the wisdom of that statement. This is not the time for egotistical posturing. The personal agendas, the narrow self interest and the traditional rogueâ??s resort to the so called â??principled positionâ?? must be set aside for the good of Rangers Football Club.

In a recent article on Gersnet, well known editor and site writer, Frankie, said,


â??We have to take control back of our own destiny. Yes, thatâ??s easier said than done but Rangers fans can no longer stand aside and allow others to decide the future of our club. Iâ??m hoping that process will begin very soon. Not before timeâ?¦â?


As it stands we are no more than voice in the wilderness. Everyone thinks weâ??re wonderful, but no one really listens to us. So letâ??s correct that now. Letâ??s put our historic differences behind us and get together without further ado, with the express purpose of forming, and uniting behind one new, dynamic, powerful and effective umbrella supporters organisation. Either that, or our voice â?? and the strength of our collective shares â?? will continue to count for nothing. Letâ??s hope that the â??processâ?? that Frankie refers to will be initiated soon.


Either we unite under one banner and under one organisation, or we wither on the vine. The choice is yours. As one of Americaâ??s great founding fathers said, â??We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.â?



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Excellent stuff mate and for what it's worth I think we will have to work together very soon if we're to change the status quo.


Won't be easy but we can't allow the vocal minority who persist in making mischief hold us back.

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Good article. Agree.


Just one thing, all three fan groups (RST and both RSAs) work together and communicate. That said though, the assembly appear to have fallen away. Not sure why and this was before Ross Blyth acted against the wishes of the support.


RST are always more than willing to meet other groups or websites. Only issue is we met with RU when setting up BuyRangers and the rest is history without ever saying a word or bashing a key. I'd love to think it will happen again without people turning on us for no good reason.

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Good article. Agree.


Just one thing, all three fan groups (RST and both RSAs) work together and communicate. That said though, the assembly appear to have fallen away. Not sure why and this was before Ross Blyth acted against the wishes of the support.


RST are always more than willing to meet other groups or websites. Only issue is we met with RU when setting up BuyRangers and the rest is history without ever saying a word or bashing a key. I'd love to think it will happen again without people turning on us for no good reason.


As I've written many times, the issue of division is an exaggerated one but it has caused us problems in recent times as a range of people exploit that for their own ends.


Time will tell just how fractured we are but the Assembly looks finished so the need for a well-run 'official' fans group more pressing than ever. Unfortunately, that looks unlikely to happen as the club implodes at board level.


It's equally important we retain an independent voice like the Trust and it's a shame people refuse to acknowledge any common ground there simply because of a few personality issues.

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As I've written many times, the issue of division is an exaggerated one but it has caused us problems in recent times as a range of people exploit that for their own ends.


Time will tell just how fractured we are but the Assembly looks finished so the need for a well-run 'official' fans group more pressing than ever. Unfortunately, that looks unlikely to happen as the club implodes at board level.


It's equally important we retain an independent voice like the Trust and it's a shame people refuse to acknowledge any common ground there simply because of a few personality issues.


Absolutely, but concessions will have to happen as the RST have aims which might conflict with an official fans group. An official fans group would have to accept and support the RST's aims of promotion of the acquisition of shares etc.

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Absolutely, but concessions will have to happen as the RST have aims which might conflict with an official fans group. An official fans group would have to accept and support the RST's aims of promotion of the acquisition of shares etc.


I don't see why that should be a problem unless there's a FCA (or whatever its called now) issue. And even then it shouldn't stop anyone working together as often as possible.

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I don't see why that should be a problem unless there's a FCA (or whatever its called now) issue. And even then it shouldn't stop anyone working together as often as possible.


That's not an issue for the RST, in fact we're allowed ad hoc committees and and will have them soon. Members from abroad are asking about roles they can carry out, so regional roles might happen soon.


My only worry, it might be slight paranoia after the summer events, is others using this as a tool to further their own agenda against the RST. At this point in time, I'm sick (understatement) of the mud being flung at the RST and its members, to the point I've considered walking away from fan groups and website involvement altogether.


I'm all for it, I would happily get involved where possible, but would like assurances and an effective constitution in place so internet campaigns are put down by all.

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That's not an issue for the RST, in fact we're allowed ad hoc committees and and will have them soon. Members from abroad are asking about roles they can carry out, so regional roles might happen soon.


My only worry, it might be slight paranoia after the summer events, is others using this as a tool to further their own agenda against the RST. At this point in time, I'm sick (understatement) of the mud being flung at the RST and its members, to the point I've considered walking away from fan groups and website involvement altogether.


I'm all for it, I would happily get involved where possible, but would like assurances and an effective constitution in place so internet campaigns are put down by all.


Agreed - any 'new' fan group would need to be water-tight in terms of how it worked and who was involved but I think we do need something official in addition to the Trust.


PS: I wouldn't let a few vocal people stop you doing the good work you're involved in mate. Criticism is part and parcel of being a Trust rep so it's just a case of sorting the wheat from the chaff. Usually pretty easily done but can be a difficult process in terms of moving stuff forward because of them.

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Agreed - any 'new' fan group would need to be water-tight in terms of how it worked and who was involved but I think we do need something official in addition to the Trust.


PS: I wouldn't let a few vocal people stop you doing the good work you're involved in mate. Criticism is part and parcel of being a Trust rep so it's just a case of sorting the wheat from the chaff. Usually pretty easily done but can be a difficult process in terms of moving stuff forward because of them.


Criticism doesn't bother me mate, I actually welcome it. Smear campaigns all based on lies & petty personalities clashes do. We let the tims ride all over the top of us on so many fronts because some bears main aim is to destabilise supporter groups.


It'll take an official umbrella group that's effective, transparent and accountable to the support for all the shite to end.

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An idea I've thought about on several occasions. Most of us agree on the principles of fan ownership or have or are members of the RST. therefore a steering group compromising of all parties might be more beneficial. My thinking is based on the fact of ownership and the support needing to play a larger part in it is vital.

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