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Wouldn't mind Ricky Foster back again. IMHO a solid enough defender (RB!) with that great asset of being very quick as well (back then).


I see that the Dhaily Rhecord rears the Scum's wardrums again ... riddled with ifs and buts and mabyes ...


Rangers new signings warned by players' union not to play as trialists in case they pick up an injury

2 Jun 2013 08:54


CAMMY Bell, Nicky Law, Jon Daly and Nicky Clark expect to get round the Gers' transfer embargo by playing a few games as trialists before September 1 - but PFA Scotland say that is a risk.


PFA Scotland have advised Cammy Bell, Nicky Law, Jon Daly and Nicky Clark not to play for Rangers until September.

He said: “If they have it in writing that an injury won’t affect their contractual status then I’d say they’re fine.


“But players must be 100 per cent sure they have written assurances that their agreements will be honoured should they get injured.


“And, in the case of the Rangers lads, I would say that – if they don’t have these guarantees – then they should wait until September 1 before it’s safe for them to play.”


The union points out that there is a precedent for a pre-contract arrangement being ripped up with Slask Wroclaw centre-half Jaroslaw Fojut losing out on his three-year deal with Celtic last year after damaging his knee.


Lovell added: “People say clubs won’t renege on pre-contract agreements but Celtic did just that with a player from Poland.


“FIFA also don’t recognise trialists. I don’t know of any other league outside Scotland that allows unregistered individuals to play.


“Pre-contracts are a legal can of worms. If a player signs a contract then it has to be registered within 14 days but how can that be done with a pre-contract?


“Cammy, Jon and the two Nickys have already signed but they can’t be registered within 14 days so how can that be legally binding?”


Dh Rh


You do wonder whether they (i.e. Dh Rh and the PFA) ever checked whether SFL players who were in the same boat before suffered anything like that? And if so, what happened? Most likely, the PFA wants to see all the contracts themselves (as they want with all other contracts signed all over Scotland, I assume?) and make sure all is in order?


I for one assume that Rangers - once they have signed the pre-contract - have this all covered and not pending on the registration with the SFA. Unless I am mistaken, these players will be paid by Rangers from the day they are signed (their former contract ends), insurance and all inlcuded.

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The obligatory Youtube video done this lad no favours. He looked horrendous! Good age though and an internationalist. He surely cannot be that bad.


We had that before. He and some others from that side are being singled-out by (wasn't it a Panama chap?) the creator. But we do need a "hardman" in midfield anyway, someone who helps Macleod, Law, and Black to dominate the midfield. Something we failed to do consistently last season.

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We had that before. He and some others from that side are being singled-out by (wasn't it a Panama chap?) the creator. But we do need a "hardman" in midfield anyway, someone who helps Macleod, Law, and Black to dominate the midfield. Something we failed to do consistently last season.


That's 4 central midfielders mate, where will any width or attacking players fit in?

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McCoist hopes to sign another striker for Rangers this summer


Rangers manager Ally McCoist says he still wants to bring another striker to the club this summer.


The Ibrox side have already secured the signatures of Jon Daly and Nicky Clark for next season.


Goalkeeper Cammy Bell and Motherwell midfielder Nicky Law have also joined the Third Division champions.


Honduran midfielder Arnold Peralta and defender Stevie Smith are also expected to confirm moves to Glasgow in the next few days.


Assistant manager Ian Durrant and defender Ross Perry had spoken of the need to strengthen the club's back-line ahead of their campaign in Division Two.


However McCoist told his club's official website that he is searching for another attacking option.


He said: “We have signed Jon Daly, Nicky Clark and Nicky Law and they are definitely all more attack-minded players, that goes without saying.


“We could probably do with another centre-forward as well if I’m honest and I’ve already mentioned that to Craig Mather, who seems favourable.


“We didn’t have the volume of strikers we wanted last season and we lost Fran Sandaza and Kevin Kyle through the campaign too.


“Lee [McCulloch] did a great job for us as did Andy [Little] but you could argue he’s maybe not an out and out centre-forward as he can play out wide and come from a little deeper.


“I think it’s important we do sign goal scorers and recognised centre-forwards because one thing we want there which we didn’t always have is competition for places.


“The players have to know they must perform or there will be someone waiting in the wings to take their place.


“There were occasions last year when we could only play one up front and there was an occasion against Queen’s Park I think when the one up top wasn’t really a striker.


“That’s how starved of forwards we were and we are clearly keen to change that as we look to develop a more offensive approach to our game.”



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ALLY McCOIST expects Carlos Bocanegra and Dorin Goian to report for pre-season training on June 24.


The manager, in Bocanegraâ??s home US state of California for this yearâ??s NARSA convention, is keen to have both players back in his squad for next season.


Having seen his side concede some sloppy goals last term, particularly from set plays, that perhaps comes as little surprise.


The duo were sent out on loan to Racing Santander and Spezia in an effort to save costs but each still has a year left on his deal at Ibrox.


It remains to be seen whether they will come back and complete those contracts but McCoist is hopeful they do.


McCoist told RangersTV: â??As far as I know, thatâ??s the way it is and purely from a selfish point of view, thatâ??s ideal.


â??They were obviously both out on loan last year and each has a year of their contracts to go. At this moment in time, I think theyâ??ll be joining us for pre-season training on June 24.


â??Until I hear anything otherwise, thatâ??s great. Letâ??s be honest about it â?? they are two international-quality centre-backs and Iâ??d be delighted if they came back.


â??Theyâ??d be like new signings, thatâ??s exactly what theyâ??d be like, and of a great pedigree at that.


â??Iâ??d be very hopeful and weâ??ll certainly know in the next couple of weeks if the boys are coming back. If they are, Iâ??ll be delighted.â?


McCoist also revealed there is still a chance of Neil Alexander being at Ibrox next season â?? but heâ??s eager to get an answer on that one way or the other this week.


The goalkeeper has been offered a one-year extension on reduced terms but he is looking for two and talks have stalled.


McCoist is keen to have two quality keepers pushing each other for a place between the posts and he wants to send the relatively inexperienced Scott Gallacher out on loan.


That means retaining Alexander is his preference so that he can jostle with new signing Cammy Bell for a starting jersey.


McCoist added: â??There was an offer put to Neil which is still on the table and I know heâ??s off on holiday at the moment in Florida.


â??He has been speaking to Kenny McDowall as he is over there too so I think theyâ??ve been meeting each other for dinner and what not.


â??That offer still stands and when I get back weâ??ll obviously be putting a little bit of pressure on Neil to give us a decision one way or another.


â??We get back to Glasgow first thing on Tuesday morning and these will be the kinds of things Iâ??ll be pushing over the line one way or another.


â??Weâ??ll continue to pursue players and look to get our pre-season plans finalised so that we can keep moving forward.â?



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Incredible ignorance of our current situation from the manager there.


In what sense ? That goian and boca are expensive? He's a football manager, he wants the best team he can have on the park. Offers will have been made to these two, probably on reduced wages and we are waiting for an answer from them. Probably why no CBs lined up in the media.

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