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TRS Book available 15th July; Win tickets for launch at Ibrox 29th July

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Delighted to announce that TRS have a book coming out charting the trials and tribulations of the club over the past 18 months.


The book, "Follow We Will: The Fall and Rise of Rangers" is available for pre-order and will be out on or around the 18th of July. It will feature contributions from a number of TRS writers, journalists and exclusive content from players and club staff.


The book will also be launched formally at Ibrox Stadium on the 29th July. Watch this space on how to win tickets!


More details to follow over the coming weeks. We hope a book written by Rangers fans, telling the story from our point of view, will appeal to all!




Colin Armstrong (@moonman1873)

Iain Duff (@iainduff)

David Edgar (@ibroxrocks)

Stewart Franklin (@gersnetonline)

John DC Gow (@JohnDCGow)

Chris Graham (@ChrisGraham76)

Ross EJ Hendry (@rossejhendry)

David Kinnon (@cathcartboy)

Alasdair McKillop (@AGMcKillop)

Gail Richardson (@spacegirlgail)

Calvin Spence

Richard Wilson (@Richwilsport )


Interviews with:


Lee Wallace (Rangers FC)

Rab Boyle (Rangers FC)

Peter Smith (STV)



You can pre order and find some more detail on the book here.







We're also delighted to announce that all the authors' proceeds from Follow We Will: The Fall and Rise of Rangers go to Rangers Charity Foundation.


Kindle version available here: http://amzn.to/11GfQDK



Edited by Frankie
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will it bring any clarity to what really went on?


No, I don't think there's any startling new revelations as such but what it will bring is lots of well argued analysis from a range of relevant people.


As it stands there's no book out there from the point of view of the Rangers support on the last 18-24months. This will fill that gap nicely and will make for an excellent read. I'm certain it will be well received in that regard...

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Some more info was released on this last night:




Colin Armstrong (@moonman1873)

Iain Duff (@iainduff)

David Edgar (@ibroxrocks)

Stewart Franklin (@gersnetonline)

John DC Gow (@JohnDCGow)

Chris Graham (@ChrisGraham76)

Ross EJ Hendry (@rossejhendry)

David Kinnon (@cathcartboy)

Alasdair McKillop (@AGMcKillop)

Gail Richardson (@spacegirlgail)

Calvin Spence

Richard Wilson (@Richwilsport )


You can pre order and find some more detail on the book here.





It's already #198 on the Amazon sales rank after only 12 hours available to pre-order. Also #1 in their football books ranking. :cool:


More info coming soon on events and content. :)

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