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Scotland - the birth of the 4th reich ?

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I feel in my be in need of some remedial therapy - its not often I find myself agreeing with Brian Wilson, the Celtic supporting politician who, was criticised by his own peers for spending too much time in Dublin, however his latest article which was reproduced in today's Scotsman newspaper certainly ticked some boxes for me.




Whilst Wilson concentrates on an apparent lack of sense of humour amongst Scotland's nationalist MP/MSP's his article does demonstrate the utter hypocrisy of our current political administration One wonders if they will spend millions on legislation to protect the likes of Susan Calman from the type of abuse, threats and intimidation for having the audacity to not only to refuse to tow the party line, but daring to poke fun of them in the process.


Don't hold your breath - such legislation appears to be solely reserved for the football fan and not the intellectual political animal who hurls abuse with apparent impunity. In fact I can now see where Dr. Stuart Waiton was coming from when he labelled the anti sectarian legislation "snobs law".


Wilson's article highlights another concerning trend in this political administration either ridiculing or ignoring those who do not hold with their beliefs. The anti sectarian legislation is the perfect example - passed despite the considerable academic and definitive evidence collected, researched and published by Professor Steve Bruce, and which emphatically contradicts any suggestion Scotland suffers from a considerable sectarian problem.


People will challenge this of course saying there has been a rise in the number of reported religious hate crimes and thus such legislation is justified. In fact it's the current political administration themselves who have caused this rise, and allow me to demonstrate how this works. Lets take something totally unrelated as an example - dog fouling. If government spent millions (as they did with the FOCUS Unit) creating a plethora of extra dog wardens and directed them to go about their duties with an almost zealous like zero tolerance policy them we would be certain to see a rise in three number of reported dog fouling offences.


The conduct and methods employed in the propaganda war on football supporters under the banner of anti-sectarianism would do Joseph Goebbels proud.


But there is a more sinister aspect to this â?? the funding of the Police FOCUS Unit by the Scottish Government. There is a real danger here that the Police's independence from political interference is going to be compromised, as they take the benefit of funding for extra officers in return for doing this political administrations bidding for them.


Therefore it comes as no surprise that despite considerable local and political opposition, that this government have merged Scotland's Police Forces into a single body â?? a move which new Chief Constable Steven House has suggested will result in the loss on an estimated 3,200 Police civilian support staff. So much for the promise of fighting for Scottish jobs. But hey â?? control is power.


So this is our modern day Scotland â?? where our Police do our government's bidding, where football supporters are, in the words of Archie MacPherson â??stamped onâ?, whilst the political animals who support this administration deliver abuse and intimidation with impunity towards those who dare to offer an alternative opinion.


But give the current political administration their due â?? they did promise â??Model governmentâ? at the start of their term of office and they have duly delivered.


The only problem is that it is a model which has striking similarities to another nationalist government which swept to power in Germany in the 1930's.

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Another good catch D'Art. This is not the first time you have caught and analysed the actions and objectives of these politicians. I wonder if you are in a position to, and have considered running for a political office yourself. I think you would excel at such a job.

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and in one article, you reduce your credibility to less than zero.


Goebbels? Nazis?


Whilst you and the rest of the unionists were swallowing the removal of our heritage and rights that that English government were taking from you, the "Nazis" in the SNP were protecting free higher education for all Scottish kids; the SNP were protecting free care for the old people, the SNP were protecting free eye exams, the SNP were protecting the NHS in scotland from English/American style privatisation - I could go on and on - all the things that we grew up with, accepting as "normal" are still normal in Scotland, thanks to the SNP. Try living south of the border and you'll soon see how far the rot down there has set in. If you liked the 1950s, it's the place for you.


As for your reference to Susan Calman, do I need to remind you that it is an *SNP* government that is pushing through Equality legislation - and was the first in the UK to do so? Labour has had 100 years to do so and failed miserably. But then labour wouldn't want to upset it's "core vote", so no wonder they have been silent on issues such as sexual equality.


The SNP, like most reasonable human beings, find bigotry and sectarianism, be it political, sexual or religious utterly reprehensible and, for a 21st century democracy, shameful - and they, to their credit, have tried to do something about it. It may not be perfect, but it's a start.


Here's an idea. Go to a football game, as I do. Shout and swear at the opposition, the referee and our defence, as I do. Have a pint and a pie and a laugh with the company, as I do. You'll be fine. But if you start shouting about fucking Popes and f""nians and any other forms of bigotry, you'll be nicked - and that's as it should be.

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Im not ashamed in the least.


Perhaps that shame should be borne by those who have ignored credited academic research in order to spend millions pursuing an agenda against football supporters with legislation which was not required, was criticised as being contrary to human rights and which a well known sheriff described recently as nothing short of "mince".


And all the while your fellow Rangers supporters are subjected to harassment, bullying and intimidation on a regular basis as a consequence of that legislation, and this governments funding of a special unti in order to do their politicalbidding.


Or those who chose to abuse Calman or the other leading academics referred to in the Wilson article because they dare to refuse to tow the "party line", and appear to do so with considerable impunity.


Or those who promise to fight for Scottish jobs and yet are prepared to sacrifice over 3,000 in order to gain greater control of our forces of law and order.


I know where the shame lies.

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Im not ashamed in the least.


Perhaps that shame should be borne by those who have ignored credited academic research in order to spend millions pursuing an agenda against football supporters with legislation which was not required, was criticised as being contrary to human rights and which a well known sheriff described recently as nothing short of "mince".


And all the while your fellow Rangers supporters are subjected to harassment, bullying and intimidation on a regular basis as a consequence of that legislation, and this governments funding of a special unti in order to do their politicalbidding.


Or those who chose to abuse Calman or the other leading academics referred to in the Wilson article because they dare to refuse to tow the "party line", and appear to do so with considerable impunity.


Or those who promise to fight for Scottish jobs and yet are prepared to sacrifice over 3,000 in order to gain greater control of our forces of law and order.


I know where the shame lies.

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ehhhh, Susan Calman is a lesbian comedian, not a "leading academic" - and , thanks to those SNP nazis, she's the type of human being who will now be able to marry the person they love and enjoy the same legal rights as the rest of us.


Now, if you feel no shame in comparing the most inclusive and democratic party in Scotland to one of the most evil regimes in the history of humanity, that's up to you - but the question you should be asking yourself (quite apart from what it does to your credibility) is, if you're using such vitriolic and extremist language about a left of centre democratic party, what language remains for you to use about the real nazis?

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ehhhh, Susan Calman is a lesbian comedian, not a "leading academic" - and , thanks to those SNP nazis, she's the type of human being who will now be able to marry the person they love and enjoy the same legal rights as the rest of us.


Now, if you feel no shame in comparing the most inclusive and democratic party in Scotland to one of the most evil regimes in the history of humanity, that's up to you - but the question you should be asking yourself (quite apart from what it does to your credibility) is, if you're using such vitriolic and extremist language about a left of centre democratic party, what language remains for you to use about the real nazis?


I'm well aware of Susan Calman's chosen profession, the academics I was referring to are the likes of Lynn Abrams, Hugh Andrew who the article mentions as well as Prof Steve Bruce who is not mentioned. Perhaps in your anger you didnt manage to read that far.


Unlike you I do not hold a political allegiance, therefore your assertion that they are the most "inclusive and democratic party in Scotland" I cannot comment on.


What I can comment on however is that they are responsible for the persecution and intimidation of football supporters - just ask any of the Union Bears - singling out a particular group of people for continued harassment. Furthermore they have created the legislation and provided the funding to allow this to happen, legislation I may add a leading Sheriff recently described as "mince".


What is of particular concern- if you speak to some the Union Bears - is that such harassment and intimidation is not confined to football games or match days - some provide testimony that the have been stopped and spoken to whilst out shopping with the family, one in fact when he was at the airport going on a family holiday. This suggests to me that they are under some form of surveillance. This means some kind of surveillance authority must have been approved.


It is well documented that as a country we dont have the resources to place known/suspected Al Qaeda terrorists under the necessary surveillance, yet Scotland can appear to do it for persons allegedly involved in spirited singing.


You really couldn't make it up.

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whatever side one takes in this debate - or , indeed, if one has many agreements and disagreements with both sides - can I ask, as politely and humbly as possible, that everyone refrains from throwing the term "Nazi" about? It's mis-applied, childish and when used so, is generally accepted as the point at which people should stop being listened to.

Edited by SteveC
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What is of particular concern- if you speak to some the Union Bears - is that such harassment and intimidation is not confined to football games or match days - some provide testimony that the have been stopped and spoken to whilst out shopping with the family' date=' one in fact when he was at the airport going on a family holiday. This suggests to me that they are under some form of surveillance. This means some kind of surveillance authority must have been approved.


It is well documented that as a country we dont have the resources to place known/suspected Al Qaeda terrorists under the necessary surveillance, yet Scotland can appear to do it for persons allegedly involved in spirited singing.


You really couldn't make it up.[/quote']


Or maybe you could.


You don't think that instead of being victims of some sinister police-state 'surveillance', these people who are spoken to by the cops are simply weel kent faces? Neds that the cops have had dealings with before, likely to be up to no good or to know something about people who are up to no good?


You've been spending too much time watching The Wire, mate.

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