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BHEASTS release statement re Lennon ban

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Celtic Football Club statement

By: Newsroom Staff on 18 Apr, 2013 19:58

NEIL Lennon has been given a three-match touchline ban after being found guilty of misconduct by an SFA Tribunal. It relates to complaints made that he used 'offensive language' during Celtic's recent match against St Mirren in Paisley.


Following this decision, Celtic Football Club have released the following statement.


´Clearly we are extremely surprised and disappointed by today´s decision. Fundamentally the particular disciplinary system in place is absurd - a system where such a case can be brought on the strength of two ´complaints´ from people totally unconnected to the match in question, while a fourth official overseeing the technical area during the match makes no mention of any incident to the SFA.


´Despite even supportive comments from numerous individuals including Jim Goodwin himself, this judgement has been made, something which we find quite astonishing.


´It is clear that this decision will have huge repercussions for the game in Scotland and we are sure Hampden Stadium will be a very busy place now every Monday morning.´

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It's bloody hilarious that they're moaning about this and saying that it was based on external complaints when their own fans are probably the world's worst offenders when it comes to complaining about stuff to do with other teams to get them in trouble, namely Rangers.


Karma is a right old bitch. :cool:

Edited by Zappa
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It's bloody hilarious that they're moaning about this and saying that it was based external complaints when their own fans are probably the world's worst offenders when it comes to complaining about stuff to do with other teams to get them in trouble, namely Rangers.


Karma is a right old bitch. :cool:


Typical BHEAST attitude,deny,deflect,sweep sweep

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´It is clear that this decision will have huge repercussions for the game in Scotland and we are sure Hampden Stadium will be a very busy place now every Monday morning.´


Come on, even TLB can behave himself every now and then!

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NEIL LENNON will grab his assistants’ phones and make sure they all have the SFA’s number on speed dial.


Celtic gaffer Lennon will keep note of any swearing by opposition bosses and players in games.


Every Monday morning, he will assemble right-hand men Johan Mjallby and Garry Parker to begin their weekly Hampden phone blitz.


Nobody will be spared. Anyone with a foul mouth will be named and shamed, just like Lennon was when he called St Mirren skipper Jim Goodwin a ‘f*****g f***y’ in last month’s SPL clash.


Sounds ridiculous, right? Nobody likes a grass and Lennon does not want to be known as one.


But he insists this is what the SFA’s bizarre F-word rap — which saw him cop a three-game ban — has driven him to.


And if no action is taken against the people he shops, Lennon will demand the SFA tell him why.


He said: “What I’m going to do now is make a complaint to the SFA every time a manager swears at me, or a player or an official.


“I am going to complain about every manager from here on in and see what happens.


“I will ring the SFA and say I want to make a complaint about the volley of abuse that is coming out of the opposition dug-out, and ask them what they are going to do about it.


“I’m going to get Garry and Johan to do it too, so they will have three complaints rather than two.


“I heard another manager say live on TV: ‘That’s an effing joke’ but he was not taken to task because it was a different context in which he used the offensive word.


“It is still offensive language, but I am being treated differently to everyone else. That’s what it looks like to me.


“I will see out my ban — not happily — but I will take it and not appeal it because then there would be a chance I would miss the Cup Final.


“No doubt the hearing would be before the final and if I did not win I would miss the match.


“So I will take my three-game ban and then what will happen after that I do not know, because every player and manager is going to be up on a charge.”


Lennon and the SFA have had a tense relationship over the years, but are now heading for a complete breakdown.


The Hoops gaffer hinted Celtic may not be so helpful in releasing players for internationals in the future.


Lenny added: “They have broken a massive boundary. I will think long and hard about doing them any favours in the future, especially when it comes to international teams or youth teams.


“Has trust been broken? Absolutely. Respect? I think we have done more for the country this season than anyone else has.”


Lennon thought he had seen it all over a dozen rollercoaster years in Scottish football with Celtic. It is hard to remember him being so angry and exasperated as he was at Lennoxtown yesterday.


His F-word censure from the SFA triggered a three-match suspended ban that had hung over him from last season.


He is not proud of his spat with Goodwin, but he is bemused the SFA can call him to task when no official made any complaint over his conduct.


He wonders if people will start complaining the next time tennis ace Andy Murray shows his frustration during a Grand Slam match.


Lennon said: “The fourth official was five feet away, there was no report of my behaviour, as there has not been all season. I had no sanction from the panel. I was found guilty of using offensive behaviour, but the charge was insulting and aggressive and those charges were dropped.


“What could the panel do? It was there in technicolor. I’m not denying it. I don’t condone what I said, but it happens in EVERY single game.


“Whatever background you come from, people swear. You see it on TV used all the time, whether it is reality TV or live sport.


“If that is the case, then Andy Murray should be taken off the court.


“I love Murray, he is one of my favourite sportsmen, he is a brilliant role model for millions of people, and one of the finest exports to come out of this country.


“But I’ve seen Andy lose his rag and use the odd expletive.


“I don’t see anyone complain about that, or get upset about it. That is how he is feeling about his game at the time, or how the match is going.


“You know, no one can describe that. Andy can’t describe that feeling to anyone else. That is a feeling that comes from within.


“Aren’t we all the same? Footballers, managers, fans?


“I am not condoning bad language, but it is part of the game.”


Cynics will wonder if Lennon only got done for swearing because the SFA could not nail him for branding ref Bobby Madden’s display as ‘appalling’ in the same game. Lennon stands by his post-match comments and admits his latest rap is quite a coincidence.


He added: “I was proved right. Victor Wanyama’s red card was rescinded and Esmael Goncalves got a two-game ban for diving.


“The ref had a poor day. I have not been critical of any refereeing performance this season up until that one.


“It is just a little bit coincidental in my view this was brought up after that.”


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4895912/I-will-be-the-green-green-grass.html#ixzz2QyoUtqfy

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