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Ross County Will Vote No

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Ross County look set to vote against league reconstruction after todayâ??s board meeting to further discuss the new 12-12-18 plans.


Staggies chairman Roy MacGregor has no reason to believe the clubâ??s supporters, board and management will change their minds after their opposition to the proposals after a supportersâ?? forum in February.


While Highland rivals Caley Thistle will vote for the new set-up, it is expected County will join St Mirren in rejecting the plans. An 11-1 majority vote is needed for the fresh structure to be approved.


MacGregor will not comment about the outcome of todayâ??s board meeting before the SPL vote on the new plans at Hampden on Monday.

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Fair play to Roy McGregor and the Ross County Board. They said what they'd do - i.e. listen to their fans, management and Board. They've stated their objections well in advance and the SPL have clearly done nothing to change their mind. Hell mend the SPL.


Doncaster's resignation should be the first matter of business after the vote.

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Hearts shares and accounts have been frozen may give them an excuse to delay.



Heart of Midlothian owner Vladimir Romanovâ??s assets were frozen by a Lithuanian court, derailing any potential sale of the Scottish soccer club.


The assets of Ukio Banko Investicine Grupe, or UBIG, through which Romanov controls 79 percent of Hearts in Edinburgh, were blocked yesterday in the course of a lawsuit against the Russian-born investor and his sister, Olga Goncaruk, Kaunas District Court said today on its website.


â??Any sale or transferâ? of UBIGâ??s shares in Hearts or its other property â??is forbidden,â? Gintare Putnikiene, a spokeswoman for the court in Kaunas said by phone today. Several companies are suing Romanov and Goncaruk to recover â??large debtsâ? the two jointly undertook, Putnikiene said.


Regulators in February closed Ukio Bankas AB (UKB1L), a Lithuanian lender that Romanov controlled and used to finance international sport, aluminum and real-estate projects. Foundation of Hearts, an Edinburgh-based supporters group, said on April 9 it was negotiating together with other fan associations to buy a majority of Hearts shares from UBIG.


Besides UBIG assets, which include Heartsâ??s Tynecastle stadium in the west of the Scottish capital, the court said it also froze property belonging to Romanov and Goncaruk personally and to Birac Europe AB, a company they jointly own.


The arrest order can be appealed within seven days, according to the courtâ??s statement.


Speaking by phone to LNK television last night, Romanov said he wouldnâ??t comment on the courtâ??s decision until he had more information, according to a report on Vilnius-based LNKâ??s website. Officials at UBIG couldnâ??t be immediately reached by telephone at their office in Kaunas.



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Hope Ross County stick to their guns but the fact they have went public gives the SPL all weekend to throw its threats and blackmail at them. They should have kept it hush and turned up on Monday and voted no along with St Mirren. Then made their vote public afterwards.

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Supporters throw weight behind County chairman


Ross County supporters are united with club chairman Roy MacGregor in their opposition to plans for league reconstruction, according to one supporters group leader.


Black Isle Supporters’ Club member and Jail- ender website creator Alan Ross reckons the core of the Staggies support still believes the new proposals for a 12-12-18 structure will not benefit the Dingwall club.


Aberdeen, Hearts and Caley Thistle have all come out in favour of the new plans which would mean the top two leagues of 12 splitting into three leagues of eight after 22 games.



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Unfortunately I fear the SPL will get their way & force thro' their 12-12-18 reconstruction. If it means we're in the 18 then it's off to the court of session we go as we'll have been denied promotion.


There will be a ruling that you cannot complain or take them to court or you won't be allowed to play. Blackmail, bribery and bullying is their modus operandi.

Edited by SteveC
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