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I totally agree that an inquiry is not going to get any more information than is known unless they can get Whyte and green to tell the truth. Pretty impossible venture I would imagine.

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I totally agree that an inquiry is not going to get any more information than is known unless they can get Whyte and green to tell the truth. Pretty impossible venture I would imagine.


Not necessarily. They could turn up sufficient evidence or strong circumstantial evidence to make up their minds that Green has to go. Remember, this is not a criminal case, so the burden of proof is far less.


Or it could simply be that they want to hold the inquiry in order to be seen to have crossed the ts and dotted the 'i's before they get rid of him.

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Or there's no investigation at all and it's another bullshit lie like when they claimed that Neil Murray was suspended pending investigation or that Pip Yeates "is leaving the Club to focus on his own business" when in fact they were both actually made redundant.


As I said last week, it's now at a point where it's almost impossible to decipher the lies from the truth and that's a very very bad situation indeed to find ourselves and the club in.

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i think we can trust walter, harte and murray and they seem to have wrestled some control here.


What were they doing when the fans were being lied to about Pip Yeates and Neil Murray though? Were they oblivious to it or did they know they were lies?

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Or there's no investigation at all and it's another bullshit lie like when they claimed that Neil Murray was suspended pending investigation or that Pip Yeates "is leaving the Club to focus on his own business" when in fact they were both actually made redundant.


As I said last week, it's now at a point where it's almost impossible to decipher the lies from the truth and that's a very very bad situation indeed to find ourselves and the club in.


I don't, for a second, believe that Walter would sign off on a statement that said there is to be an investigation when, in fact, there was none. The lies and misinformation have been coming entirely from one faction in the boardroom (the ones that are in this for themselves) and yesterday the other faction (the one that's in it for the club) made itself heard for the first time, I believe.

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What were they doing when the fans were being lied to about Pip Yeates and Neil Murray though? Were they oblivious to it or did they know they were lies?


someone leaked the truth to the papers. even you stood up for restructuring. perhaps they accept that it was needed and lies often come with a parting of the ways. it helps the guy leaving get another job and it suits the company's pr.

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someone leaked the truth to the papers. even you stood up for restructuring. perhaps they accept that it was needed and lies often come with a parting of the ways. it helps the guy leaving get another job and it suits the company's pr.


As I said, I don't have a problem with restructuring at all if it's done properly, but lying about it and dressing up cost-cutting with frilly ribbons is not the right way to go about it. If the restructuring is actually a program of cost-cutting they should have said that from square one instead of lying about a scout getting suspended due to an investigation into his conduct. That's a disgraceful way for the club to be acting.

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