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John Gow - Time for Rangers and Green to part company

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I do like John's stuff but I see 'Green out' as a growing bandwagon and exactly the aim of Whyte and the media, All good has been cancelled out and issues that went on before they even officially bought the club seem to be causing a lot of panic even thought we're just under a year down the line.


There's no doubt some fans need to maintain their discipline and view the last year as a whole rather than one week in isolation. However, the point I'm making is that it's wrong to dismiss all constructive criticism of any given subject (be it Green, the manager or whatever) just because it may be seen as reactive and somewhat negative.


What we have missed as a support more than anything over the last decade is proactive and credible criticism. In this case, I think John is attempting to offer up another side to the debate and while you and I may disagree with his conclusion, I certainly can't disagree with the general point he's making.


The fact of the matter is Green's performance generally has been reasonably good over the last year but his actions of the last week and his less than professional behaviour with Whyte last spring means there are valid doubts about his suitability. Perhaps not enough to see him forced out but certainly worrying enough to debate sensibly.

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STB, I have remained absolutely and honestly open minded about Green until the last few days and been skeptical of GS, FS and others who I thought had a bit of an agenda against anyone that wasn't of their choosing. I think you need to get your head out of the sand. It mystifies me that you will harangue McCoist for his shortcomings (and rightly so to some extent) but that you continually make excuses for Green. I have been quick in the past to accuse the press of being unfair and persecuting Rangers. In this instance, thank God for Peter Smith. He is doing the job of a good investigative journalist without favour or prejudice. I am on no bandwagon. We need to know the whole truth, no matter how unpalatable that may be.


How is my head in the sand? Have I said Green is perfect? Have I said he shouldn't be criticised? Have I said questions and clarity shouldn't be seeked? No, so you're basically saying unless you want Green's head on a platter then you're head is in the sand. If i'm more crititcal of McCoist it's because he is never exactly lacking in support, and i've actually bit my tongue a bit on some of his interviews about how brilliant a point against Stirling is.


The situation seems fairly clear to me, if Whyte has anything that indicates any sort of collusion after this CVA period then I will probably think there's some wider truth being hidden, but we all surely knew Whyte wouldn't have given up his shares out of kindness so none of it seems as shocking to me as is getting made out.


I'm over using these type of phrases lately but I just feel balance and middle ground is being missed out. Calling for Green to leave is basically saying that's it decided 100%, he is beyond redemption etc etc, which I think is unfair with all the good he has done this club.

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