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Leggo: Whyte & the truth are strangers

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Putting aside Leggo's lack of credibility, the stuff about Ticketus is what I've been hearing as well.




IF Craig Whyte ever steps into the witness box, places his hand on the Bible and swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it will be hard for any Learned Law Lord to keep a straight face.


The truth?


Whyte the huckster wouldnâ??t know it if it bit him on the backside.


The whole truth?


Whyte the conman has never been on even nodding terms with it.


And nothing but the truth?


Whyte the congenital liar is as well aquaintated with that as Giovanni Di Stefano is.


Come to think of it, that runt of a lying cheating imposter of a lawyer, Di Stefano and shyster Whyte have a lot in common. They are both deluded fantasists who seem to live their lives in their own wee bitter, twister and warped minds.


Maybe Craig Whyte will end up having something else in common with that other wee nyaff, Di Stefano.


Hearing the judge utter the words, take him down. It was 14 years fraudster Di Stefano got. Sounds just about right for Whyte when his time comes.


For the best chance of Whyte ever making it to court is as the accused. His threat to sue Rangers was just the latest in a long line of bluster from this apology of a human being.


He raged at BBC Scotland and threatened to take them to court. It was an empty threat. Duff and Phelps were next to be told they would be hearing from his lawyers, then the Scottish Football Association, plus goodness knows how many others.


Yet the only occasions when Whyte did make it to court was when he was sued and when that happened the Judge told the shyster he didnâ??t believe word of the evidence which came from his twisted mouth.


And as for Whyteâ??s London lawyers, referred to in the story about his fantasy island claims. They have never been named. Just who is his lawyer? Surely not Garry Whithey? What reputable law firm would take on a man such as Whyte? Not that lawyers would any qualms about representing him on the basis that Whyte is a thoroughly disreputable character. Law firms have no such scruples. Their concern would be simply because Craig Whyte is a man who just does not pay his bills.


Not surprising, that. For, as I have said before, Craig Whyte has no visible means of support.


And hereâ??s another wee point about this significantly small man. How many days per calendar year does he spend in Britain? Any more than 90 and he is liable for a visit from HMRC and the even more scary VAT man.


As for the way, on Saturday, Celticâ??s business partners, the fiercely anti Rangers Daily Record and that ailing paperâ??s puppy of an attack dog, Keith Jackson, chose to present the story they continue to lag behind on?


The Recordâ??s Saturday offering was yet another example of the low life terrible standard of journalism which infects the Record now that it is edited by Alan Rennie, with rabid Celtic fan Kevin Mansi as his right hand man.


The way the Record story was slanted on Saturday, anyone glancing at it, or taking the first few pars at face value, could have been forgiven for being conned into thinking the Record was in possession of court documents relating to an action raised by Whyte against Rangers.


While the truth of the matter is that the documents reproduced with such a dramatic flourish by the Record were actually related to another court case entirely, one in which Whyte stands accused of more skulduggery. The documents relate to Whyteâ??s defence in a court action raised against him by Ticketus.


Which may give a clue as to Whyteâ??s timing as he tries cause Rangers more problems. In typical Whyte style he is trying to create a diversion to take the attention away from this Ticketus action in which it is Whyte who stands accused.


Indeed, he may even be aware of other moves being made against him, moves which I am aware of and which I will reveal later this week.


Just donâ??t expect the doddering Daily Record, now Celtic and Peter Lawwellâ??s business partners, with its bitter and twisted anti Rangers agenda, to report the facts in a factual fashion.


And so to the Sun on Sundayâ??s story about £137,500 being paid by Whyte into the account of Imran Ahmedâ??s dear old mum. As Charles Green has pointed out, this transaction took place way back in May, at a time when Rangers were still trying to emerge from administration via a CVA which would have needed Whyteâ??s co-operation regarding the selling of his shares. And at a time when Rangers had no corporate banking facilities. That last bit is important.


It wasnâ??t the cleverest thing they could have done and by admitting to it Green and Ahmad have left themselves open to accusations that they are liars. Which, in their dealings with Whyte they have admitted to being, though those porkies were part of a ploy by Green and Ahmad. They knew they were dealing with a shyster and had to get down and dirty to shaft him. Trying to deal with Whyte through normal business procedures, as David Murray and Paul Murray did and attempted to do, didnâ??t work. Green and Ahmad quickly realised that as far as Whyte the conman was concerned, you have to fight fire with fire.


It certainly is not the Rangers way. Not the way generations of Rangers supporters, including many die-hards who I have spoken to, expect those who sit inside the Blue Room to behave. And I can fully understand their reservations. Especially when those die-hards, many of them hard headed businessmen, try to fathom the £137,500 paid into Ahmadâ??s mumâ??s account.


The explanation is that the Whyte money went into the account of Ahmadâ??s dear old mum, in order that Whyteâ??s tainted cash would be nowhere near any Rangers business account and the transaction actually took place at a time when there was no proper Rangers business account as Rangers had no corporate banking facilities to accommodate the cash, as a direct result of the financial mayhem Whyte left behind. The cash remains, untouched, in the ladyâ??s account despite efforts to have it returned to Whyte, whose banking arrangements are no doubt as murky, as shady and as clouded in deceit as everything else in the wee conmanâ??s life.


While I lay no claim to having known all along about the details of the sting Green and Ahmad pulled on Whyte â?? the kidder kidded if you like â?? both men made me aware that they had played a game with Whyte.


It was on October 30th that I sat in Ahmadâ??s office for two hours and questioned him and Charles Green. One of those questions related to any dealings they may have had with Whyte during the period when they may have needed his shares had Rangers avoided liquidation.


Neither man attempted to deny dealing with Whyte and the phrase Ahmad used to describe what had happened, was that they were stringing Whyte along. The extent of that stringing along was clearly something which concerned Ahmad, as he gave me the impression of knowing that at some time Whyte would use it against them and that it would be a hard one to explain away.


But the bottom line appears to be that Craig Whyte has invested nothing in Rangers and has no claim on anything to do with Rangers. The difference between the two men can probably be boiled down to the fact that Charles Green is a salesman and like all salesmen he canâ??t stop talking and is prone to exaggerations, while Whyte is a conman, a cheat and a huckster and is consistently locked into lies, lies and more lies.


However Charles Green and Imran Ahmed certainly seem to have made mistakes over their dealings with Whyte. And perhaps the major one was not coming clean with supporters. Getting their retaliation in first, if you like. Had Green and Ahmad been up front and open with Rangers supporters and had they struck first and released the news, possibly on the back of the successful Brian Stockbridge driven share issue which raised £22.5M for Rangers, and at that time gleefully told all of how they had shafted Whyte, the news would surely have been greeted with loud applause from Rangers fans.


As it is, there is a division in the ranks of Rangers supporters with some of them finding it hard to get their head around what happened â?? which is understandable given the way the day-late Daily Record has tried to slant the tale â?? while others simply do not believe Charles Green, who as far as I can see, has lied to only one person. Craig Whyte! But the danger for Green and Ahmad now is that there are many who will find it hard to believe what the pair say on other matters.


Which is a cross their have made for their own backs by allowing Whyte to get his attack in first.


However, when it comes to believing anyone, they are not in the same ballpark as the wee shyster, for as I said right at the start, when Craig Whyte eventually takes his place in the witness box, places his hand on the Bible and swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, even the Learned Law Lord will have trouble keeping a straight face.

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