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Is Charles Green back to square one?

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Sure, the title is somewhat exaggerated but I'm sure you'll concede the last few weeks have been less than positive for Green. Many fans (online at least but it does go beyond there) are unhappy with his comments/lack of transparency and if you add these two issues to other recent problems (Sandaza, Neil Murray, Malcolm Murray, the poor performance of the team and decreasing crowds), then Green's stock is falling in more ways than one.


We ignore the issues at our peril.

It's not been the best spell but I don't think it's anything that won't blow over with some statements and apologies.

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It's not been the best spell but I don't think it's anything that won't blow over with some statements and apologies.


As long as he's got nothing to hide and doesn't keep putting his foot in it then you're probably right for the most part.


I think Frankie's right as well though in that he's probably lost the confidence of a portion of the support and his actions (and words :eek:) over the next few weeks and months will determine how it pans out. So in that sense he might well be back to square one.

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I don't think he has lost the "rank and file Bear" yet, some of the more clued up and higher echelon Bears allude to more or further outpourings in the coming weeks. But dealing with the here and now re the Whytegate, most Bears and I include my self in this, take the position it took a thief to catch a thief , I'm not calling Charles a thief, merely using that saying as an metaphor.


We Bears we happy breed we just want our club to survive and flourish, but also to survive and flourish by playing within the rules. So we can keep our heads in the traditional place, way above the Mhanky mob.

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