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Leggat - Police May Make More Green Brigade Arrests

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POLICE are going through the extensive surveillance footage they shot at the Green Brigadeâ??s failed attempt to hold an illegal march, freeze-frame by freeze-frame in an bid to identify the ring leaders.


There have already been 13 arrests made and there may be more to come if the high definition film taken of the Green Brigade shows anyone else breaking the law.


And that could even include the QCs and any other independent legal advisors who it has been claimed were at the scene of Green Brigadeâ??s pre-planned efforts to break the law.


A number of people, including Labour MSP Michael McMahon on the floor of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, have made that claim and it is one which Strathclyde Police are taking seriously.


For if they identify any QC, any Advocate or any lawyer at the scene of the crime, then those legal eagles may well need a lawyer to represent them.


For the Police would be well within their rights to question them as to what they knew about the Green Brigadeâ??s intentions. And if police feel there is sufficient evidence to support a belief that any QC, Advocate or lawyer was in possession of any information about any pre-planned lawbreaking by the Green Brigade, the Crown Office and the Procurator Fiscalâ??s office will take a dim view.


For QCs, Advocates and lawyers are all Officers of the Court and as such have a duty to report any such knowledge to the Police.


If they knew and did not tell the police then at it will, at best, lead to the QCs and Advocates being reported to the Faculty of Advocates, with lawyers facing disciplinary action from the Law Society of Scotland.


And if, for instance, there was any lawyer at the Green Brigadeâ??s illegal attempt to march, who can only practice law under the direct supervision of the Law Society of Scotland, that lawyer would be in breach of that condition and be in danger of being disbarred.


Of course we do not know whether or not there were any QCs, Advocates or lawyers, including any who can only practice under the direct supervision of the Law Society of Scotland, on the spot at Glasgow Cross, in the Gallowgate and near the Barras when the IRA supporting Fascist Ultras of the Green Brigade attempted to take to the streets in defiance of the law and bring terror to innocent shoppers in a popular Saturday afternoon shopping area.


But it is something which has been claimed by Labour MSP Michael McMahon.


And one QC who has expressed his views, in defence of the Green Brigade, including making what many believe were some snide remarks about Frank Mullholland, the Lord Advocate, is Brian McConnachie QC. Which in no way implies, far less proves, he was at the scene of the crimes. or had any prior knowledge those crimes were about to be committed and, as an officer of the court, did not pass such information onto the Police.


Nor is there any suggestion that any lawyers from the two legal firms who have been quoted with regard to their representation of those Green Brigade members charged, were there or knew what was going to happen. These include Paul Mullen of Livingstone Brown, or anyone from Gildeas Solicitors.


However, if there were any QCs, Advocates or lawyers in the Glasgow Cross, Gallowgate and the Barras vicinity when the Green Brigade kicked off, then the police surveillance footage will soon indentify them.

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