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Ally say's we will need a new team.

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What does that even mean?


Since the CW takeover, throughout administration and to this day the club has mysteriously been leaking £millions. We've been promised a turnaround and are currently debt free, but we're still running at a loss and to me at least the numbers just don't add up. That's what I mean.

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Since the CW takeover, throughout administration and to this day the club has mysteriously been leaking £millions. We've been promised a turnaround and are currently debt free, but we're still running at a loss and to me at least the numbers just don't add up. That's what I mean.


Running at a loss is a bit different from 'disappearing millions'. And I don't see what it's got to do with Ally's management of the team anyway.


You make it sound like we didn't lose cash under Murray as well.

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Running at a loss is a bit different from 'disappearing millions'. And I don't see what it's got to do with Ally's management of the team anyway.


You make it sound like we didn't lose cash under Murray as well.


It's got nothing to do with Ally's management of the team. It was in response to a comment about dropping attendances which you'll see I quoted.


We did lose cash under Murray and a lot of it at times. Mainly that was through overspending on transfers and wages. Speculating to accumulate. Something that was brought under control both times that Murray stepped down as chairman and those running the show in his place posted profits despite a hefty wage bill and crippling debt repayments.

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A lot of talk about 'inviting Rangers back' 'secret non existent sky deals' 'clubs disappearing into the abyss' what's going on?


Time to pack the cases and move on...which is the English Conference.


That to me is the bright and only real future for our kids with Rangers in their hearts, nothing else.


The 54 titles, the 60 national cups, the nine-in-a-row, seven trebles and European Trophy will always be there and....we wont have to serve the obsessed ever again with our presence.


Man fuckin U look out.

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ALLY McCOIST last night insisted Murray Park is no holiday camp.


In the wake of last week’s humiliating home defeat to Annan, midfielder Kyle Hutton naively took to twitter to tell his followers he was heading home at lunchtime to catch up on US TV drama Homeland.


The reaction wasn’t what he expected, with cyberspace erupting in protest at the apparently cushy life of Rangers’ players.


Christened ‘The Nando’s Generation’ by some over their fondness for fast food and shoot-em-up computer games, McCoist shot down suggestions they had it easy.


But not before he took the chance to slap down chief twit Hutton.


He said: “Rightly or wrongly, social media has become, for a lot of people, a massive part of their life.


“I’ve said to the boys on numerous occasions to know their responsibilities and pay due attention to what they’re writing because what they write is picked up instantly.


“We had social media experts in to speak to them, so it’s not as if they don’t know about it. In a normal week it was a nothing message from Kyle — but it’s the context of coming off a defeat. He posed himself a problem with a throwaway line.


“It’s a common-sense issue and I’d far rather ask them to use common sense than to start banning things.


“It’s not my cup of tea. But just because it’s not for me doesn’t mean the younger, and perhaps older, players shouldn’t use it.”


The average footballer’s working day has long been a sore point for punters, who fail to see why they can’t spend additional hours brushing up on opponents or working on their weaknesses.


McCoist understands the concerns but denies Rangers’ training methods are stuck in the Dark Ages.


He added: “The most important thing is, if anyone needs reassured, we know what is required.


“We have coaches and fitness staff, whose job is to prepare the boys correctly for their games and they do a good job.


“Criticisms about our approach would be levelled at me and that’s one I’d refute because we work the boys for the right amount of time.


“They do their hard work, their technical work, gym work and pool work but it has to be in the right order before a game.


“There’s not a team in the world that works nine to five. The object of team training is to make sure they’re ready for the next game. The job of every coach is to find that balance.”

Andy Little agreed with his boss ahead of today’s trip to Elgin.


Little, winner of the Irn-Bru Ginger Boot as February’s top scorer, said: “We can only train so many hours a day. Like Kyle, I got a bit of stick for apparently saying I could play golf any day of the week.


“What I mean by that is going out to play a few holes in the evening. I’m not going to play on the day before a game. I know that — I’m not stupid.


“But we need to be aware if you have a bad result fans don’t want to hear about you having easy afternoons off.”



Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage...#ixzz2NesYwsvJ

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