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Objectionable fan banner against Ashley

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I agree but do you not think banners telling him to **** off gave him an excuse to walk away?


he was gone like road runner either way.


frankly the banners were spot on he was the last thing we needed. he wanted to pay up the purchase over 4 years. he was volunteering for liquidation essentially and we know how that went. he didnt have the cash to keep us afloat.


i may not like green much but he is at least head and shoulders above miller.

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he was gone like road runner either way.


frankly the banners were spot on he was the last thing we needed. he wanted to pay up the purchase over 4 years. he was volunteering for liquidation essentially and we know how that went. he didnt have the cash to keep us afloat.


i may not like green much but he is at least head and shoulders above miller.


Hang on a minute till I get back on my chair. :D


Praise even though its backhanded from GS for Green you on the weekend bevvy a touch early my good man. :)

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Hang on a minute till I get back on my chair. :D


Praise even though its backhanded from GS for Green you on the weekend bevvy a touch early my good man. :)


being better than bill miller is nothing to get excited about. the truth is d@p just used him as a diversion for a week or so. with the added bonus of prepping us for a newco.

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You can see the huge contradiction between your first paragraph and your last one, yes?


I'm simply pointing out the difficulty in deciding what is proscribed, you make a perfect example of it, you, like many others, are uncomfortable with one banner but less so with another. Others will take the opposite view, who decides which is correct?


no contradiction at all. It's quite simple. Any non-football related banner should be prohibited on the grounds that the display of such a banner is likely to divide the support and thus harm the club.

no football related banner should be prohibited unless, as in this case perhaps, offensive language is used, in which case it's a matter of changing the vocabulary rather than banning the sentiment sentiment.

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So do you ban 'booing' of players? If someone does it should they be ejected? How is this enforced exactly? I hate the singling out of players too, but it happens, a lot, and in the end the person doing it has paid their money, given up their time and probably cares as much about the club as I do. However misguided I feel they are I don't know I've the right to tell them they can't express their feelings.


The point of the post was to ask what the difference is between a chant and a banner. Premeditation was STBs answer, I personally don't see that as a mitigating factor.


ban booing? who's talking about banning booing? I'm saying that, imho, no fan should ever boo a Rangers player. Not only is it counterproductive, it's not, again imho, the Rangers Way.


The answer to your question is that a chant or a banner is the result of like-minded people working in unison to express an opinion; a post on a message board is not.

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