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Celtic copâ??s pest control taunts has been pulled off his duties

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A SPECIALIST footie cop who monitors Celtic fans has been pulled off his duties â?? amid claims he described his job as â??pest controlâ?.


Top brass are probing anti-hooliganism officer Tommy McCrindle after the jibe reportedly appeared on his Facebook site.


Under the â??Works Atâ? category on his profile page, the officer appeared to have written: â??Fume-a -Pest & Termite Controlâ?.


And following a complaint from the club, Strathclyde Police hauled the married dad-of-two off frontline Hoops duties.


Last night Scottish Tory chief whip John Lamont said: â??It is wrong for an officer to refer to anyone they are responsible for policing in these terms.â?


And a Celtic spokesman revealed: â??We have raised the matter with the police and believe it will be addressed.â?


PC McCrindle, 37, from Kilmarnock, serves in the Football Co-ordination Unit for Scotland â?? set up by the SNP to police hooliganism and bigotry laws brought in last year.


He was assigned this season to watch the Green Brigade, a controversial section of hardline fans who were described by Celts gaffer Neil Lennon as â??an important part of the club.â?


But the supporters say PC McCrindle is among a group of â??bullyingâ? officers who follow them â??week in, week outâ?.


The officer has posted Facebook snaps of himself working at Barcelonaâ??s Nou Camp stadium during Celticâ??s Champions League tie last year and was at the sideâ??s Euro clash with Swedish side Helsingborgs in August.


In a statement the Green Brigade claim he â??goadedâ? supporters at Parkhead on Saturday.


Celtic said theyâ??re looking into the allegations, adding: â??We will not tolerate any unjust or inappropriate treatment of our supporters.â?


Strathclyde Police said: â??A Facebook page allegedly belonging to an officer has come to our attention after claims of offensive postings.


â??The officer will have no direct contact with the Celtic support during the inquiry.â?


PC McCrindle was unavailable for comment and the Facebook page has been deleted.


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4802145/Celtic-cop-pest-control-taunts-on-Facebook.html#ixzz2LKZX3XaZ

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Celtic said they’re looking into the allegations, adding: “We will not tolerate any unjust or inappropriate treatment of our supporters.”


So they agree the treatment of the GB is just? Given the GB statement the other day suggesting Lawell and co. have been ignoring them & even helping the police. Ouch.

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Can't see anything wrong with the words "pest control". I wouldn't be surprised that if anything happens to this PC or his family, a certain club and the media will say: "He brought it up all on himself alone." Kindly ignoring, much like the report above, the actual nature of the GB.

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