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Why shouldn't it be 55 and counting when Gers win the Div.3 title?

Guest Geo the Ger

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I give up I really do, it's that attitude that will change nothing in football. Yes let's just let the rich get richer on the never never or some Arab Prince or some Russian Oil Baron and rest of us can fight over the scraps from the table. What the Hell will that achieve


And tell me where in our proud history does it say we must spend obscene amounts of money because We are Rangers away and geez us peace, we could've won this league with half the wage budget yes that's a while 3.5mill still a Hell of a lot compared to paying guys their petrol money.


As for the girl bit if your offended by that I give up I really do, but if you post like one expect to be called one.


You just made it offensive by that bit at the end. Get a grip on yourself.


I like how you conveniently ignored the whole part about the other clubs we are helping by gate receipts being up. You start to lose an argument when you pick and choose what suits you.


Did you really expect Rangers to go to 3rd division and automatically become a club with a budget of Peterhead? The new rules coming in to place may help ease your conscience a bit but it will take a while.

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i didnt say reduce their contract i was only pointing out that cribari has been brought in on most likely a higher wage than what they both were and are on. :thup:


thats not true mate, we could have signed players on smaller wages than who we brought in craig. that would have saved us quite a bit.


we could have got a more suitable centre half for a fraction of cribaris wage.

i would much rather have promoted or signed another scottish kid instead of signing argyriou and faure.

we could have signed a better player than black for much less than 7 grand a week.

we could have done much better than sandaza for much less than 5 grand a week.

did we really need dean shiels and his huge contract for this level?

i cant argue about templetons signings, i thought that would have worked out better than it has.


i just feel we could have saved a fortune and done better in the transfer market in the summer.


Now that is a reasoned argument. I'm not going to argue about Sandaza & Cribari. Black I'm not so bothered on. It's fine to say we could have done better, it's not fine to say we've cheated our way to a title.


It's also wholly arrogant to say this trophy means nothing. It means a lot to other clubs who before we were demoted would have been chasing it. As a result they have had the payoff of playing us 4 times each which I remember a chairman (Peterhead's I think) saying that he would quite happily accept that situation as it helps the clubs long term prospects.


I'm pretty angry that a fan of the club would call it cheating. Talk about handing your enemies the win.


ETA: I know Kuz you haven't suggested cheating, just showing the difference between a reasoned argument and a stupid one.

Edited by BlueMazza
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You just made it offensive by that bit at the end. Get a grip on yourself.


I like how you conveniently ignored the whole part about the other clubs we are helping by gate receipts being up. You start to lose an argument when you pick and choose what suits you.


Did you really expect Rangers to go to 3rd division and automatically become a club with a budget of Peterhead? The new rules coming in to place may help ease your conscience a bit but it will take a while.


Are you actually reading anything I post.


What has us going to these wee grounds for a season going to change in the big scheme of things? Nothing that's what it's going to change you want to see wholesale change in Scottish football you will need a lot more share the wealth than a couple of thousand Bears showing up once in a while.


As for the budget of Peterhead rubbish, show me where I've said we should have a budget to match Peterhead, think you'll find only Ally thinks matching Peterhead is ok. I've consistently said we had no need to pay 7mill to win Div3 half that budget would've done. You happy with Alexander getting 16K a/w thats £832.000 a year to a goalie in Div3 who will have no resale value when his contract ends, thats us back to bad old days ffs.


As for the new rules if you've been listening to Green he has already put us under the rules limit so it will make no difference to us and its got nothing to do with conscience it's to make the game fairer give fans a glimmer of hope there club might actually win something in its history.


To your other question I rarely watch football outside Rangers & Liverpool because most of it is boring, and the same teams win the same leagues year after year, that's what your spend spend to Hell with the consequences gets us.


I notice you have no comment on why spunking money has anything to do with our proud history, spunking money has put the only blip on a near perfect record, I take it you are picking and choosing on that one, surely not after all that's you losing an argument in your words.


And just for the record I've never said we cheated I said it comes as close to cheating but like most of my posts you read what you want to read so just stop reading them.

Edited by GovanAllan
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What has us going to these wee grounds for a season going to change in the big scheme of things? Nothing that's what it's going to change you want to see wholesale change in Scottish football you will need a lot more share the wealth than a couple of thousand Bears showing up once in a while.


Quite a lot actually. I believe one trip to Hampden equalled 4 years worth of budget to them. Tell me Elgin can't do more with their team after playing us so many time?

The change you require is league reconstruction, not our budget.


As for the budget of Peterhead rubbish, show me where I've said we should have a budget to match Peterhead, think you'll find only Ally thinks matching Peterhead is ok. I've consistently said we had no need to pay 7mill to win Div3 half that budget would've done. You happy with Alexander getting 16K a/w thats £832.000 a year to a goalie in Div3 who will have no resale value when his contract ends, thats us back to bad old days ffs.


Personally I think Alexander is a quality keeper and given he was UNDER CONTRACT not much could be done. Also just because the club was consigned to the bottom tier, did that make Alexander lose all skill/worth and become the equivalent of a part time keeper? He STAYED. That has value imo.


As for the new rules if you've been listening to Green he has already put us under the rules limit so it will make no difference to us and its got nothing to do with conscience it's to make the game fairer give fans a glimmer of hope there club might actually win something in its history.


The new rules will effect other clubs, isn't that your point/problem? Do you think with these new rules Peterhead will go and win the Champions League? No, me neither. How do you propose to make that happen?


I notice you have no comment on why spunking money has anything to do with our proud history, spunking money has put the only blip on a near perfect record, I take it you are picking and choosing on that one, surely not after all that's you losing an argument in your words.


I did answer, you just don't listen. "Spunking money" as you so eloquently put it won us a fair few titles, shall we hand them back? That's what the investigation is for I suppose, so I assume you will have no issue if they decide to remove our titles?

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Quite a lot actually. I believe one trip to Hampden equalled 4 years worth of budget to them. Tell me Elgin can't do more with their team after playing us so many time?

The change you require is league reconstruction, not our budget.




Personally I think Alexander is a quality keeper and given he was UNDER CONTRACT not much could be done. Also just because the club was consigned to the bottom tier, did that make Alexander lose all skill/worth and become the equivalent of a part time keeper? He STAYED. That has value imo.




The new rules will effect other clubs, isn't that your point/problem? Do you think with these new rules Peterhead will go and win the Champions League? No, me neither. How do you propose to make that happen?




I did answer, you just don't listen. "Spunking money" as you so eloquently put it won us a fair few titles, shall we hand them back? That's what the investigation is for I suppose, so I assume you will have no issue if they decide to remove our titles?


What's happens for the next hundred years of QP's history have they to live off that money forever.


Elgin made a mess of their chance and had to pay a fine for their privilege of playing us, well done there.


And if you think reconstruction thats on the table has anything to do with sharing the wealth, I'm lost for words.


The 16k is Alexander's new contract signed last week, keep up. He will have no resale value at the end to try and recoup some of those stupid wages splashed out on an average keeper who is nothing more than an SPL No.2. That will also apply to Sheils, Black & Cribari.


Peterhead would need to win the SPL which has no chance of happening, just the same way as we have no chance of winning CL but it would be nice to at least challenge, I'm sure if Peterhead had the money to go full time they would have a chance to contest for higher honours of course us going up there twice in one year will help them achieve that.


Again you said not me, that we couldn't have a reasonable budget for the lower leagues because We are Rangers and we have a proud history. So again I would like to know what having a large budget not needed to win the league we find ourselves in has to do with our history.


Are the trophies we won with a high budget better and held in more regard than the ones we won without spunking millions on players. Going by that all trophies Pre-Murray don't mean as much as the ones won since, which I find strange coming from a Rangers fan.

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Guest Geo the Ger

Have I entered a kiddies playground? I can't believe what's happening to this thread, the original question is being lost somewhat, maybe too many so-called clever dicks on it.

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it should be treated like our glasgow cup wins. just about forgotten and never mentioned.


In the fullness of time I would agree with that. But not forgotten. We should NEVER forget how far we had to tumble before coming back up again.

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In the fullness of time I would agree with that. But not forgotten. We should NEVER forget how far we had to tumble before coming back up again.


thats fair enough mate. its going to be weird celebrating this title win, without any challenge, we know its a given and winning it was never in doubt.

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