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Why shouldn't it be 55 and counting when Gers win the Div.3 title?

Guest Geo the Ger

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Allan, most of that 7 million would have been spent regardless of what league we would have been in.


As BlueMazza says, we had players on contracts and we would have had to honour those contracts or paid to terminate them if we wanted wages to come down.


Looking at the players signed in the summer it seems that your biggest issue is with the SPL 4. Fair enough, we maybe didnt need to be paying them 7k a week each. However, we DID need numbers in the door so it isnt unreasonable to assume that we would have had to have paid about 3k a week had we got different alternatives. So the savings on those 4 would only have been 800k for the year.


Who else did we bring in ? Cribari, Argyriou, Faure, Kyle - any I have left out ? And I cant imagine that any of that group will be costing us a particularly large amount of money and it must also be remembered that we lost pretty much a whole squad so NEEDED replacements. We can debate the merits and qualities of those players all we want, but it cant be argued we needed replacements.


To put this another way.... Given your preference for signing lower division journeymen rather than retain what we had - just how much do you think YOU could have got the wage bill to if you were in charge ? And dont forget to also factor in the fact that you would more than likely have to pay off those contracts for the higher paid players that you would want to get rid of because their salaries are too high for the SFL3.


I respect your opinion on most things Allan, but your suggestion that we are "cheating" to win SFL3 is, frankly, ridiculous. When we call ourselves cheats we really dont need to worry about defending ourselves from the Tims and the daily rhags. I am astounded you liken this to cheating, but that is your prerogative. But no amount of debate will ever have me agree with you on this one.


So we had no option but to have a wage bill of 7mill for Div 3, we had 3 high paid players in Jig, Alexander and Wallace left, one of which going by all reports has been given a contract for 16K a/w for christsake. Why the need to bring guys in on 7k+ a week and I don't believe for a minute Rangers thought we are getting pumped into Div3 for a season then by some miracle of reconstruction we will be back at the top next year not with the hatred we have seen flying around. You say they didn't cost much to bring in, well that's great we saved some money in one hand while the other one is throwing it out the window in wages.


Cheating my not be exactly the right word but you would hardly call it fair to have such a huge advantage over your nearest rivals, and a huge unfair advantage is what is killing football. Christ we even have Bayern moaning about all the big clubs in the world spending obscene amounts of money to win things and how unfair it is becoming.


Are we not just as guilty as them by spending the amount of money we have to win the bottom tier of Scottish football. This season was a chance to hunker down don't do anything stupid and rebuild from the ground. Instead we did the usual Rangers thing build another unneeded extension without any foundations and hope it doesn't come crashing down around our ears.


Anyone remember what happened to the last house.....

Edited by GovanAllan
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So we had no option but to have a wage bill of 7mill for Div 3, we had 3 high paid players in Jig, Alexander and Wallace left, one of which going by all reports has been given a contract for 16K a/w for christsake. Why the need to bring guys in on 7k+ a week and I don't believe for a minute Rangers thought we are getting pumped into Div3 for a season then by some miracle of reconstruction we will be back at the top next year not with the hatred we have seen flying around. You say they didn't cost much to bring in, well that's great we saved some money in one hand while the other one is throwing it out the window in wages.


Cheating my not be exactly the right word but you would hardly call it fair to have such a huge advantage over your nearest rivals, and a huge unfair advantage is what is killing football. Christ we even have Bayern moaning about all the big clubs in the world spending obscene amounts of money to win things and how unfair it is becoming.


Are we not just as guilty as them by spending the amount of money we have to win the bottom tier of Scottish football. This season was a chance to hunker down don't do anything stupid and rebuild from the ground. Instead we did the usual Rangers thing build another unneeded extension without any foundations and hope it doesn't come crashing down around our ears.


Anyone remember what happened to the last house.....


Why do you even like football then? What's the point of you watching if you think the teams with more money than others are just big cheats? You must really hate Chelsea then eh?


There is big money in football. It is what it is. I think your expectations were frankly ridiculous. What exactly do you think our budget should have been then? £20 a week and a pint after the game?


Like it or not, we are Rangers, regardless of the division we are in. We are a proud club steeped in wonderful history, to take our budget down to the breadline would imo be entirely silly.


All your moaning about cheating yet I don't hear the third division clubs complaining about gate receipts that have drastically changed their futures. One of the reasons we wanted to go to division 3 was to spread the wealth a little. YES get away from celtic and the rest, give something to the other clubs who were gracious and composed. On our way up we will help what 30 clubs finances?


Cheating indeed.


(P.S I hate being called a girl. I grew up a long time ago)

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Why do you even like football then? What's the point of you watching if you think the teams with more money than others are just big cheats? You must really hate Chelsea then eh?


There is big money in football. It is what it is. I think your expectations were frankly ridiculous. What exactly do you think our budget should have been then? £20 a week and a pint after the game?


Like it or not, we are Rangers, regardless of the division we are in. We are a proud club steeped in wonderful history, to take our budget down to the breadline would imo be entirely silly.


All your moaning about cheating yet I don't hear the third division clubs complaining about gate receipts that have drastically changed their futures. One of the reasons we wanted to go to division 3 was to spread the wealth a little. YES get away from celtic and the rest, give something to the other clubs who were gracious and composed. On our way up we will help what 30 clubs finances?


Cheating indeed.


(P.S I hate being called a girl. I grew up a long time ago)


I give up I really do, it's that attitude that will change nothing in football. Yes let's just let the rich get richer on the never never or some Arab Prince or some Russian Oil Baron and rest of us can fight over the scraps from the table. What the Hell will that achieve


And tell me where in our proud history does it say we must spend obscene amounts of money because We are Rangers away and geez us peace, we could've won this league with half the wage budget yes that's a while 3.5mill still a Hell of a lot compared to paying guys their petrol money.


As for the girl bit if your offended by that I give up I really do, but if you post like one expect to be called one.

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cribari will most likely be on more than the spl4, alexander and wallace as well. i think he is our second highest earner at the club right now after jig. boca and goians combined 37k per week dont count this year but will in the summer.


Alexander and Wallace were ALREADY under contract. How would you have reduced that ? Wallace said he was staying. If we forced him out he would have looked for a pay off. Alexander, also on contract. Jig, Boca and Goian, also on contract - that is my point. If we wanted to reduce the wage bill we would have needed to do it by culling players who were ALREADY here, and that likely would have resulted in pay offs - or, I guess, loaning them out as we did with Goian and Boca - and we didnt have a great deal of time to ship them out and get replacements in so it wasnt a shoe-in that we could get them off the wage bill (assuming someone would pony up their wages) and also get suitable replacements in.

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So we had no option but to have a wage bill of 7mill for Div 3, we had 3 high paid players in Jig, Alexander and Wallace left, one of which going by all reports has been given a contract for 16K a/w for christsake. Why the need to bring guys in on 7k+ a week and I don't believe for a minute Rangers thought we are getting pumped into Div3 for a season then by some miracle of reconstruction we will be back at the top next year not with the hatred we have seen flying around. You say they didn't cost much to bring in, well that's great we saved some money in one hand while the other one is throwing it out the window in wages.


Cheating my not be exactly the right word but you would hardly call it fair to have such a huge advantage over your nearest rivals, and a huge unfair advantage is what is killing football. Christ we even have Bayern moaning about all the big clubs in the world spending obscene amounts of money to win things and how unfair it is becoming.


Are we not just as guilty as them by spending the amount of money we have to win the bottom tier of Scottish football. This season was a chance to hunker down don't do anything stupid and rebuild from the ground. Instead we did the usual Rangers thing build another unneeded extension without any foundations and hope it doesn't come crashing down around our ears.


Anyone remember what happened to the last house.....


Do you think you would be in the Rangers footballing majority to think we should have been bringing players in who would be getting a couple hundred quid a week in wages ? Come on GA, you KNOW that Bears wouldnt have accepted that.


Take Templeton as an example. Complete and total euphoria when we managed to get him. I didnt see ONE single supporter saying "wait, we are paying him how many thousands a week ? Nope, lets not sign him because that would be cheating". NOT ONE FAN would have said such things.


Only now is it being said when the league is wrapped up and we are looking for more weapons with which to beat the club over the head with.

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I give up I really do, it's that attitude that will change nothing in football. Yes let's just let the rich get richer on the never never or some Arab Prince or some Russian Oil Baron and rest of us can fight over the scraps from the table. What the Hell will that achieve


And tell me where in our proud history does it say we must spend obscene amounts of money because We are Rangers away and geez us peace, we could've won this league with half the wage budget yes that's a while 3.5mill still a Hell of a lot compared to paying guys their petrol money.


As for the girl bit if your offended by that I give up I really do, but if you post like one expect to be called one.


Be honest, were you complaining when we were signing Numan, Gio, Albertz, Mols etc ? Did you complain that we were "cheating" by spending far more than any other Scottish club and, in turn, consigning Celtic to also-rans in the title chase ? I highly doubt you were.

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Alexander and Wallace were ALREADY under contract. How would you have reduced that ? Wallace said he was staying. If we forced him out he would have looked for a pay off. Alexander, also on contract. Jig, Boca and Goian, also on contract - that is my point. If we wanted to reduce the wage bill we would have needed to do it by culling players who were ALREADY here, and that likely would have resulted in pay offs - or, I guess, loaning them out as we did with Goian and Boca - and we didnt have a great deal of time to ship them out and get replacements in so it wasnt a shoe-in that we could get them off the wage bill (assuming someone would pony up their wages) and also get suitable replacements in.


i didnt say reduce their contract i was only pointing out that cribari has been brought in on most likely a higher wage than what they both were and are on. :thup:


thats not true mate, we could have signed players on smaller wages than who we brought in craig. that would have saved us quite a bit.


we could have got a more suitable centre half for a fraction of cribaris wage.

i would much rather have promoted or signed another scottish kid instead of signing argyriou and faure.

we could have signed a better player than black for much less than 7 grand a week.

we could have done much better than sandaza for much less than 5 grand a week.

did we really need dean shiels and his huge contract for this level?

i cant argue about templetons signings, i thought that would have worked out better than it has.


i just feel we could have saved a fortune and done better in the transfer market in the summer.

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Be honest, were you complaining when we were signing Numan, Gio, Albertz, Mols etc ? Did you complain that we were "cheating" by spending far more than any other Scottish club and, in turn, consigning Celtic to also-rans in the title chase ? I highly doubt you were.


Cheating is when you break the rules.


The notion that having more money than the competition is cheating is even more extreme than many of our detractors' suggestions that using legal tax avoidance schemes (that provide the club with more money) is cheating.

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