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SFL ready to cash in quick

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I am not liking this talk of boycotts.


We are only one club of 30 and the majority will decide. Most will decide out of self interest and let's not be naiive to think that we have in the past or would just now do any differently. I think it is this sort of arrogance that has led to much of our dislike in the past. We should accept the decision with dignity.


Let's put our energies into fighting for our rightful promotion.

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I am not liking this talk of boycotts.


We are only one club of 30 and the majority will decide. Most will decide out of self interest and let's not be naiive to think that we have in the past or would just now do any differently. I think it is this sort of arrogance that has led to much of our dislike in the past. We should accept the decision with dignity.


Let's put our energies into fighting for our rightful promotion.


I don't think this is a case of arrogance.


If the majority vote to screw over a minority for financial gain - that's immoral. They should be voting for what's fair.


I don't see anything wrong with us exercising our democratic right to withhold our custom from them, and prevent them from profiting through their greedy, selfish behaviour.


All hyopthetical of course - since it would be impossible to properly organise a boycott.

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The clubs at the bottom which stand to benefit next year should the proposals be voted through are being extremely short termist in their thinking.


The main arguement against bigger leagues is their lack of financial viability. This mob, who already have next to no money, will be left stuck in a league of 18, with all the money going into the 2 leagues above them waiting for the odd penny to 'trickle down' to them.


In other words you'll have 18 clubs facing a real struggle to stay afloat. I wonder how long the Rangers money will last them.

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That is all fine and well. We do not know how much money they will get in the 12-12-10-10 set-up though. They play Rangers 4 times this season and a couple of more times next if the 12-12-18 comes into being. That is them settled for years - going by previous budgets. Not to speak of Queen's Park, who probably become the richest of the lot from our two visits this term.

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And where's the money coming from for any of these reconstructions?

have they spoken to SKY who are the largest financial contributor to the Scottish football? have they spoken to any would-be sponsor who'll replace the Clydesdale bank ?

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That is all fine and well. We do not know how much money they will get in the 12-12-10-10 set-up though. They play Rangers 4 times this season and a couple of more times next if the 12-12-18 comes into being. That is them settled for years - going by previous budgets. Not to speak of Queen's Park, who probably become the richest of the lot from our two visits this term.


The issue is the 'fairer distribution of wealth' in our game though. It's all fine and well to talk about how a couple of games against Rangers can set these teams up for years, but does that not just illustrate the point that they've got next to no money coming in. The reconstruction being proposed meanwhile would seem to be offering them even less.


Don't get me wrong. I think these clubs are to be commended for their ability to survive on a showstring budget, but from what I've seen of them so far this season, they actually have a lot more to offer the Scottish game than they're being given credit for. I don't blame them for grabbing what they can. I just think their selling themselves short.


I've said all along that I think 2 leagues is the way forward and that the financial distribution model just needs sorted. I don't agree with the 'meaningless games' argument. I don't even understand what that's supposed to mean in fact.

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And where's the money coming from for any of these reconstructions?

have they spoken to SKY who are the largest financial contributor to the Scottish football? have they spoken to any would-be sponsor who'll replace the Clydesdale bank ?


To be honest I think that's the reasoning behind it. The whole notion of reconstruction is just being used as window dressing to try and market Scottish football as a 'new improved' product.

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...It's an opportunity to improve the standard of our game from top to bottom. Instead as expected self interests from top to bottom are getting in the way.


It shouldn't all be about the marketing and money, it should be about responding to what the fans want and fixing deficiencies which are currently stinting the growth of our game.

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