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Longmuir On Reconstruction

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He's hardly been impartial the last few weeks talking up the SPL's 12-12-18. Longmuir knows how that shower of reprobates work,, all talk and no action unless it's to their benefit.


as I said earlier could he be playing devils advocate here in siding with them knowing their proposals are doomed clearing the way for him to take control of any new governing body once dumb & dumber are out the way

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I understand what he's saying. He can't win the war this week, but he can win a number of battles that mean the war can be won in the next few years. As things stand just now it's stalemate. Everyone will get financially poorer, the 'product' will deteriorate and clubs will go to the wall. By agreeing 12, 12, 18 or 12, 12, 10, 10 as he suggests, the SPL clubs relinquish control and indeed the SPL ceases to exist. If they agree a 12,12, 10, 10 then we'll be promoted after all. Either way most SFL clubs will receive greater TV and sponsorship revenue and their votes will count for all Scottish football.


But I don't think there is any doubt the SFL clubs are going to back this proposal in one form or another now.

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I understand what he's saying. He can't win the war this week, but he can win a number of battles that mean the war can be won in the next few years. As things stand just now it's stalemate. Everyone will get financially poorer, the 'product' will deteriorate and clubs will go to the wall. By agreeing 12, 12, 18 or 12, 12, 10, 10 as he suggests, the SPL clubs relinquish control and indeed the SPL ceases to exist. If they agree a 12,12, 10, 10 then we'll be promoted after all. Either way most SFL clubs will receive greater TV and sponsorship revenue and their votes will count for all Scottish football.


But I don't think there is any doubt the SFL clubs are going to back this proposal in one form or another now.


greater TV and sponsorship revenue ? they haven't got any yet. And they might not get any if we're excluded from the top division next season.

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