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Leigh Griffiths nicked over theft from Tesco

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SCOTLAND star Leigh Griffiths was nicked yesterday for allegedly shoplifting in a supermarket.

The Hibs striker, 22, was detained by security guards at a Tesco store in Edinburgh.

Cops then quizzed the on-loan Wolves player before charging him.

Last night Lothian and Borders Police said: â??A 22-year-old man was arrested and charged in connection with an alleged shoplifting incident in Edinburgh on January 26.

â??He will appear at court at a later date.â?

The incident took place before Griffiths was due to meet up with his team-mates to travel to Aberdeen for their clash with the Dons this afternoon.

Griffithsâ?? agent Darren Jackson was unavailable for comment.


But a Hibs spokesman said: â??The club is aware of an alleged incident which took place on Saturday afternoon involving the player.

â??This is now a police matter.â?

A source added: â??This will be a huge embarrassment for both Griffiths and his club.â?

The scoring sensation is due to become a dad for the fourth time in two years.

The baby â?? one of four by three different women â?? will be his second with girlfriend Linzi McCartney when it is born in the summer.

He was also at the centre of a race hate storm earlier this month after he told a Twitter user: â??F*** off back to your own country.â?

His vile outburst came after Zak Iqbal taunted him over his looks and for fathering so many kids.

Griffiths â?? who has around 12,000 followers on the social media site â?? quickly apologised for the rant.

But he was slammed by Hibs and Wolves as it emerged police are investigating.

Campaigners and politicians also laid into the player. Vicki Burns, of Show Racism The Red Card, said she was â??saddenedâ? and branded his comment â??totally unacceptableâ?.

Griffiths has scored 15 goals this season and earned his first cap for Scotland last year.

Championship side Wolves are allowing him to stay with Hibs until the end of the season.

The ex-Dundee star joined them for £150,000 in 2011.



Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/scottishnews/4765167/Leigh-Griffiths-nicked-over-theft-from-Tesco.html#ixzz2J8hWcEfR

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A good player but a total fuckin bellend too. His previous convictions, the value of the stolen goods and if he has bail conditions will determine if he does a "weekender" or if he get out on an undertaking or report.



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