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League reconstruction? Just another punishment for Rangers?

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IAN BLACK canâ??t wait to see the back of the Third Division.

But Rangersâ?? tough guy midfielder is worried they are about to be slapped in the face again over league reconstruction.

Black does not want to see the proposed 12-12-18 go through, and insists if the league leaders win the title it will be all for nothing with them still in the bottom tier.

Black said: â??Iâ??ll definitely be glad to see the back of the Third Division, although there is talk of the SPL changing things and slapping us in the face again.

â??We are not getting our hopes up too high just yet. Any team in our position would be unhappy if they changed it at this point.

â??We were slapped in the face at the start of the season when we were put in this league, and now we could be hammered again.

â??I just think itâ??s wrong. We are playing in this league to win it and then we might have to win it again next season.

â??You can ask any other team and they would be lying if they said they were happy with it. I just think it is another punishment for Rangers.

â??I donâ??t think it matters when they change it. The whole thing is wrong.

â??We were put here to win the league and work our way back up, and if they change it, we are going to have to try to win the same league again.â?

Gers chief Charles Green has proposed a 14-14-14 set-up, but Black insists there is no need to change the current set-up.

He added: â??Iâ??ve no real preference on league reconstruction. Just leave it the way it is.

â??Maybe teams are being affected because we are not in the SPL but they chose to put us here.

â??The SPL clubs are going to have to do something because they will be looking at their books, and if their books are not right itâ??s because we are not there.

â??None of the players here are happy about the changes, because if you win the league you donâ??t want to have to play in the same league again. It will be a disappointment if they change it.â?

Black admits he misses the standard of the SPL, but has barely noticed what has been happening in the top flight as he claims he isnâ??t interested in it.

Black said: â??The standard of opposition is much better in the SPL, and you miss the bigger grounds and atmospheres, as well as the chance to play in Europe.

â??But I have not really taken any interest in the SPL this year.

â??Playing in this league Iâ??ve been paying more attention to what is going on around us.â? Black hurt his arm in the 1-0 win up at Peterhead last weekend, after clattering into the advertising board in a challenge with Dean Cowie.

The former Hearts star admitted he is used to the physical aspect of the league, but insists officials need to be more aware.

Black added: â??Iâ??m all right now and available for the game against Montrose. I was worried at the time, but when I sat up I was just glad it was not my head that hit the board.

â??We did not even get a free-kick, but that is certain referees for you.

â??The refs are just learning at this level and they get demoted on points and performances.

â??They are obviously missing stuff and decisions if they are getting put down to where we are.

â??So I put what happened last week down to a missed decision on me and so thatâ??s another point off.

â??All the teams in the Third Division are quite aggressive.

â??They all want to come out and make a name for themselves, but I felt we handled it well last week.

â??We are dealing with the physical side of things well now and just getting on with it.â?

Black admitted he would have reacted in the past, but he now feels mature enough not to bite.

He said: â??The Ian Black of a few years ago might have reacted to that challenge, but thereâ??s a greater maturity there now. What goes around comes around.

â??I just have to deal with it. Iâ??m out to a job and they are out to do theirs.

â??Some players might think Iâ??m a threat and try to take my head away from the game.

â??But being a better player now and more experienced, I just ignore it and get on with things.

â??My dad speaks to me after every single game and the staff at Ibrox have had a wee word as well, telling me not to react.

â??It helps if people have a chat in my ear and tell me just to concentrate on the game.â?

Meanwhile, Black, who is gearing up to face Montrose at Ibrox today, was encouraged to hear new Scotland gaffer Gordon Strachan is open to picking Rangers players, even though they are in the bottom tier.

Black, who had one cap under flop boss Craig Levein, said: â??Itâ??s great to hear the manager say that.

â??Myself and Lee Wallace have had that chance before and proved we can play at that level.

â??There are a few other boys in the Rangers squad who are capable of stepping in if selected.

â??If we are doing well Scotland canâ??t really ignore us.â?



Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/leaguedivision3/4763714/League-reconstruction-Just-another-punishment-for-Rangers.html#ixzz2J2KCMnOx

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it's all about money. Rangers money. And that's where CG must play hardball with these people. Play by our rules or we won't sign your SKY TV deal no matter how derisory it is because they need it to keep the diddy clubs afloat.

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