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THE net is closing on the list of suspects who will have to answer charges about the crimes they committed against Rangers.


And I expect news to break very soon that the first to stand accused will soon be named, shamed and charged. Though it has yet to become clear who it will be from a long list of suspects.


However, for the moment, it would appear that the people many believe are the chief culprits, Lloyds Bank, have wriggled off the hook. But I repeat, that Lloydsâ?? escape is only for the moment and the bankers may yet find themselves in trouble if big hitting and highly-motivated-to-find-the-truth-liquidators, BDO believe Lloyds have questions to answer over their role and the role of their placeman on the Ibrox board, Donald Muir.


But right now BDO are believed to be gearing up to start legal action against a number of those who they believe acted improperly during the whole sad sorry saga.


With one prosecution imminent!


Take your pick on who it will be from a long list of villains headed by Craig Whyte, already three-times-under-investigation administrators, Duff and Phelps, their partner, Whyteâ??s close associate and pal, David Grier, Whyteâ??s lawyers Collyer Bristow and their former partner, Garry Withey and the man Lloyds Bank shoehorned into the Rangers Boardroom, Donald Muir.


I also understand BDO have spent this month pouring over much of the documentation from the period immediately before David Murray's sale of Rangers for a quid to Craig Whyte.


BDO have also conducted interviews with a number of directors from the old board, including Donald McIntyre, John Greig, John McClelland, Paul Murray and former chief executive Martin Bain. Former chairman Alistair Johnston will be pleased to sit down with BDO, tell their top investigators everything he knows and help them in their probe in any way he can when he is next in Scotland.


But it does not appear that one of the chief suspects, Lloyds Bankâ??s man on the old board, the controversial Donald Muir, has been interviewed. He will be. For when BDO order that he make himself available, if he does not, then Muir will have committed and offence.


But the clock is ticking on the men who wronged Rangers and the first of the guilty men will soon be named, shamed and charged.





IT is always interesting meeting The People. And I look forward to meeting them again on Saturday before the match against Montrose when I will be in the popular Wee Rangers Club signing copies of my biography of that great Rangers manager, Scot Symon, GREAT SCOT! THE JAMES SCOTLAND SYMON STORY.


I will be there from 12.30 until just before 2pm before heading off to Ibrox, hoping for a better match than the last home game, but also certain that The People will turn out in force as a declaration of their loyalty to the cause.

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Sorry I'm in the wrong game - the first part I could have written myself!


The amount of 'clicking tocks' I've read from Leggo over the last 2 years would keep a Swiss gift shop going for a decade, because they are almost all still ticking...Charles Green, Spiers, Phil MacAvity, or whatever his name is now (heard he was working under cover in an Irish petrol station, going by the name of Phillip MacCormick :D), Duff and Phelps, etc, etc......

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what did muir do wrong mate?


well I contest he set the whole thing up. sorted out a deal with d&p and ticketus then found either whyte to do it all or found Ellis who found whyte when he couldn't secure the loan.


not that I can prove that. but its not my job to prove it.

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well I contest he set the whole thing up. sorted out a deal with d&p and ticketus then found either whyte to do it all or found Ellis who found whyte when he couldn't secure the loan.


not that I can prove that. but its not my job to prove it.


just to accuse it :D

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