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keep up to date with tonights meeting at ibrox

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Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Charles Green spoke very well. He has left the building. Jim Traynor taking questions now.


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Jim Traynor reckons more has to be done in press to defend Rangers.


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Jim Traynor reckons we are in a fantastic position to bounce back to the top with Charles Green in charge.


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Kinning Park Loyal ask Jim Traynor " what brings you to Ibrox? Salary?"


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Jim Traynor says he is an Airdrie fan, 10 months ago he had no idea he would be here, he didn't like how the Daily Record was going.


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Jim Traynor says yes money is good but he thought he could vast improve media side of club.


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Meeting over. Went very well.



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I thought you'd become a bit more balanced about him


Try looking and pointing out what he's answered badly in your opinion rather than just jumping to something. If you don't trust him why would you not welcome the chance to ask him questions?


Listen, I said I didn't think I could sit through a Q&A session with him, you asked why and I've told you why even although I shouldn't have had to because you already know how I feel about the man. I won't keep repeating myself for you every time I make a comment on Green and you see an opportunity to question my logic. Let's play it this way... when Green changes my mind about him being a bullshitter and convinces me to trust him, I'll let you know! :D

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Listen, I said I didn't think I could sit through a Q&A session with him, you asked why and I've told you why even although I shouldn't have had to because you already know how I feel about the man. I won't keep repeating myself for you every time I make a comment on Green and you see an opportunity to question my logic. Let's play it this way... when Green changes my mind about him being a bullshitter and convinces me to trust him, I'll let you know! :D


I was genuinely curious, unless these things have a ban on particular questions i'd have thought even someone who thought he was the devil incarnate would welcome such an opportunity rather than feel they couldn't do it.


I'm well aware of most people's views on Green on the forum including yours, I'm just putting it out there to see if you're willing to at least give him a fair crack to prove you wrong, after all we're several months in and there's not been any disasters has there?


But contrary to beliefs of one or two I do like to hear opposing views to my own. :D

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I was genuinely curious, unless these things have a ban on particular questions i'd have thought even someone who thought he was the devil incarnate would welcome such an opportunity rather than feel they couldn't do it.


I just couldn't sit there and put up with the man's bullshit and trying-to-be-funny-but-failing patter merchant crap. If I ever attended such a meeting I'd probably have to keep my mouth shut or end up being escorted out of the building.

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theirs almost no information in all those tweets. i dont think ive ever known anyone to use so many words to say so little.


Care to outline exactly how you think he should have answered certain questions differently?


I'm really not being flippant, it's just curiosity when you think how two people can see things so differently.


I think his answers are quality and only reinforces my like and trust in him.

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I just couldn't sit there and put up with the man's bullshit and trying-to-be-funny-but-failing patter merchant crap. If I ever attended such a meeting I'd probably have to keep my mouth shut or end up being escorted out of the building.


I suppose it depends on our own personalities as well, personally I like someone with a bit of humour and patter about them. I'm going to assume you don't.

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I suppose it depends on our own personalities as well, personally I like someone with a bit of humour and patter about them. I'm going to assume you don't.


Well you'll be assuming wrong. I'm sure he'd maybe be quite funny to be around under other circumstances, but I'd rather that the man charged with running Rangers wasn't a bullshitting patter merchant.

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Well you'll be assuming wrong. I'm sure he'd maybe be quite funny to be around under other circumstances, but I'd rather that the man charged with running Rangers wasn't a bullshitting patter merchant.


10000000 times better than a criminal like the last one surely? What does his patter really matter if he runs our club right?


Also it's clearly an advantage when it comes to battles with our enemies etc.

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