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keep up to date with tonights meeting at ibrox

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Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green only agreed fan boycott of Tannadump because he listens to the fans.


4m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


@Tomo9505 hahaha sitting on my lap

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5m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says the Germans aren't as hated as Rangers lol


7m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


@jmcteer1872 i think it was more tongue and cheek

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8m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


@Tomo9505 no probs you can buy my brekkie tomorrow Tam lol

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10m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says RangersTV could become very important in near future.


10m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says next year Rangers will be running at a profit.


11m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says Rangers will never go bust unless supporters stop coming. #RTID


13m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says if fans can beat a stadium rename offer he will kick any other offer out.


15m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Within 2 weeks we will know who shirt sponsor and makers are.


16m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Nothing about kit deals yet.


18m Graeme Graeme ‏@mcgoomcgoo3


Could make it profitable by 5pm Friday but has no plans to off getting rid of staff as we are planning on building up #RangersFamilly #

Retweeted by Tannochside RSC


18m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Jim Trainor reckoned we would have only made £10mil on share plan.


19m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says he could make profit by Friday but it would be a blood bath.


20m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says he was willing to keep the core staff as we will need them by the time we are back at top.


21m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green says "no as we have very high running costs. Various staff etc that didn't get paid off when we moved to SFL3"


22m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Calderwood RSC ask "are the club at present operating in profit?"


27m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green asked Mike Ashley if we can buy/loan Newcastle players in future. Talks still ongoing.


28m Tannochside RSC Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc


Charles Green invited Union Bears to come talk to him and nobody showed. He says his door is always open to fans and their questions.

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I've made my feelings about him known plenty of times on here and they haven't changed. I still think he talks crap a lot of the time and I still don't trust him.


I thought you'd become a bit more balanced about him


Try looking and pointing out what he's answered badly in your opinion rather than just jumping to something. If you don't trust him why would you not welcome the chance to ask him questions?

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