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Why on earth is Green telling us that Duff & Phelps have been contacting him about moving to 3 other clubs? Has anybody else thought about that one? Why would Duff & Phelps want Green to leave Rangers to go to other clubs shortly after they've just brought him to Ibrox? Remember... Green clearly stated that it was Duff & Phelps who approached him in the first place, so what are the shady bastards doing trying to get Green to go to other clubs? Oh wait... they probably just want his contact list and witty banter, right? mmmmmm.


No he never said they approached him, they got in touch with Zeus who eventually got him involved. Duff and Phelps aren't in charge of any other football clubs right now so it won't be anything more than consultancy work.


Of course making something big out of a rather innocuous story is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

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I remember Cammy Fraser an ex(?)-moderator and poster on here saying Murray would Bankrupt Rangers when we were at the top and Murray was a hero. He was given a lot of stick from the Murray supporters of that time. He never gave up trying to warn supporters of what Murray was doing but as in d'artagnan post it fell on deaf ears. That is why we should be open to views from both sides.


There are a lot of people willing to listen to both sides but they are not willing to listen to a slagging match which only negates any real warnings you are giving. If you come on and rant and get angry at people who don't agree with you rather than providing the evidence then you'll get nowhere. I'm fairly ambivalent about Green and give credit where it's due and criticism where I think that's due but I can't stand all the snidy remarks and can't believe that some people think we should be listening to them like they are valuable.

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It's right to scrutinise Green fairly and politely, but I don't for a second believe he deserves the demonising that comes from some.


Every single time someone says something even with a faint hint of not liking Green or something he says, you're right in there questioning them and trying to make out as if they aren't rational thinkers and aren't approaching the subject objectively with any degree of balance. That's why so many threads end up filled with a load of bullshit arguments on the subject and invariably head south. All I said last night was that I didn't think I could sit through a Q&A session with the man and true to form off on one you went... probing, probing, fishing for me to say something you could argue Green's case about. It's pretty tiresome and that's why I'm not going to continue our conversation from last night. Personally, I think you're a bit out of order for continually trying to make other forum members feel as if they can't make comments about Green without you jumping down their throat.

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we have several players earning high wages. mcullogh wallace and alexander. murray park costs a million a year to run.


as forlanssister says running at a loss this year was inevitable.


I assume those high earners are getting punted next year then, and we will be leaving Murray park, seeing as we will be making a profit. That's before we sign any new players, and give new contracts. Technically, we wont make a loss this year anyway, unless the share issue doesn't go through the accounts?


We spent less than £1m on transfer fees, and we are still running at a loss. It doesn't bode well for when we have to spend maybe £5m on players, and even that wont be enough to compete with them for the league. The share moeny will soon run dry, and we will be stuck with an average team, struggling to compete for a UEFA cup place, never mind the CL. The quicker we are back in the SPL, the better. Maybe then people will understand how a profit making football club, wins nothing.


We need real investment, and by that I mean people that can afford to lose their money, in the pursuit of making us the best again. All we have is a bunch of suits looking to make a fast buck. Any new money" invested" will go to them, seeing as they have all the shares, and none of it will go towards the team, or the club. This business model is doomed to end in sporting failure. It will make a few people rich, but it does nothing much to help us as a football team.


Under green and co, we will never win an spl title or ever compete in the CL. That is a financial fact that most of us haven't woken up to yet. Green to be fair has played a blinder......

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No he never said they approached him, they got in touch with Zeus who eventually got him involved. Duff and Phelps aren't in charge of any other football clubs right now so it won't be anything more than consultancy work.


I was only going by the original tweet. Is there more info now that I've missed?


Tannochside RSC ‏@tannochside_rsc

Duff and Phelps have contacted Charles Green to move to 3 other clubs. He is willing to show a fan in audience the email on his phone.

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Every single time someone says something even with a faint hint of not liking Green or something he says, you're right in there questioning them and trying to make out as if they aren't rational thinkers and aren't approaching the subject objectively with any degree of balance. That's why so many threads end up filled with a load of bullshit arguments on the subject and invariably head south. All I said last night was that I didn't think I could sit through a Q&A session with the man and true to form off on one you went... probing, probing, fishing for me to say something you could argue Green's case about. It's pretty tiresome and that's why I'm not going to continue our conversation from last night. Personally, I think you're a bit out of order for continually trying to make other forum members feel as if they can't make comments about Green without you jumping down their throat.
There was a fair question to be asked, if you don't trust someone then you'd think the chance to question them in the flesh would be welcoming. I was simply trying to get more from you on that point, like whether you wouldn't want to do it because you'd assume his answers were lies anyway etc. Which would be a fair enough reason whether I agreed or not.


I also only wanted to hear from you how you felt Green was running the club badly right now, all the future concerns have been done to death but IMO things at least seem very stable on the face of it, as shown with Whyte you could always have a surprise around the corner admittedly.


Do you give these subtle warnings to posters that aren't so happy with people slagging Ally McCoist? Certainly never seen any. I have my views and i'm trying to create discussion, it would be easier for me to simply label everyone 'Green haters' but instead I try and hear exactly why they feel the way they do.

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Why on earth is Green telling us that Duff & Phelps have been contacting him about moving to 3 other clubs? Has anybody else thought about that one? Why would Duff & Phelps want Green to leave Rangers to go to other clubs shortly after they've just brought him to Ibrox? Remember... Green clearly stated that it was Duff & Phelps who approached him in the first place, so what are the shady bastards doing trying to get Green to go to other clubs? Oh wait... they probably just want his contact list and witty banter, right? mmmmmm.


scaring fans into wanting to keep him maybe.

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Sure, but each situation has to be treated on it's own merits. Besides you still get some defending Murray to this day for some reason.


It's right to scrutinise Green fairly and politely, but I don't for a second believe he deserves the demonising that comes from some.


any examples instead of sweeping statements?

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Every single time someone says something even with a faint hint of not liking Green or something he says, you're right in there questioning them and trying to make out as if they aren't rational thinkers and aren't approaching the subject objectively with any degree of balance. That's why so many threads end up filled with a load of bullshit arguments on the subject and invariably head south. All I said last night was that I didn't think I could sit through a Q&A session with the man and true to form off on one you went... probing, probing, fishing for me to say something you could argue Green's case about. It's pretty tiresome and that's why I'm not going to continue our conversation from last night. Personally, I think you're a bit out of order for continually trying to make other forum members feel as if they can't make comments about Green without you jumping down their throat.


stb is nowhere near as bad as two or three others for doing that to be fair to him(not just about green but other subjects). stb is a good lad.

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