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keep up to date with tonights meeting at ibrox

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I assume those high earners are getting punted next year then, and we will be leaving Murray park, seeing as we will be making a profit. That's before we sign any new players, and give new contracts. Technically, we wont make a loss this year anyway, unless the share issue doesn't go through the accounts?


We spent less than £1m on transfer fees, and we are still running at a loss. It doesn't bode well for when we have to spend maybe £5m on players, and even that wont be enough to compete with them for the league. The share moeny will soon run dry, and we will be stuck with an average team, struggling to compete for a UEFA cup place, never mind the CL. The quicker we are back in the SPL, the better. Maybe then people will understand how a profit making football club, wins nothing.


We need real investment, and by that I mean people that can afford to lose their money, in the pursuit of making us the best again. All we have is a bunch of suits looking to make a fast buck. Any new money" invested" will go to them, seeing as they have all the shares, and none of it will go towards the team, or the club. This business model is doomed to end in sporting failure. It will make a few people rich, but it does nothing much to help us as a football team.


Under green and co, we will never win an spl title or ever compete in the CL. That is a financial fact that most of us haven't woken up to yet. Green to be fair has played a blinder......


this is a cracking post and completely spot on although i would go further and say even if green and co leave, under ally we wont be winning anything major either. that is a fact.

Edited by kuznetsov
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I would but I seem to be on the verge of a ban as it is.


I've shared my opinions here purely as a fellow poster, not as an admin giving you a ticking off, so you can put your whiter than snow white petted lip rubbish back in the bag! :D

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no chance mate, your opinion and debate is sound, you are one of the better ones on here tbh. i actually admire your support for green i just dont share it. :thup:
I'm actually a bit more neutral and softly spoken about it in person.


The Internet brings out an extreme side to us all.

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Why on earth is Green telling us that Duff & Phelps have been contacting him about moving to 3 other clubs? Has anybody else thought about that one? Why would Duff & Phelps want Green to leave Rangers to go to other clubs shortly after they've just brought him to Ibrox? Remember... Green clearly stated that it was Duff & Phelps who approached him in the first place, so what are the shady bastards doing trying to get Green to go to other clubs? Oh wait... they probably just want his contact list and witty banter, right? mmmmmm.


so he can get them rich like he did at ranger i expect.


that said it doesnt sound very true. are their even 3 clus in admin nevermind 3 with d@p

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