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keep up to date with tonights meeting at ibrox

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Yeah, there seems to be a lack of objectivity when discussing Green for some reason. I knew when I opened up the thread which posters would criticise everything that he said, no matter what he said, and which would defend him.


Green is someone who isn't doing everything badly but also does deserve scrutiny, questioning and criticism as to some of the stuff he says and does.


Taking a polarised approach every time doesn't add anything to the argument and you're probably doing more harm than good as criticising or defending everything means that the areas that do require questioning are being masked by all the ridiculous stuff.

I actually think I am trying to be fairly balanced on it, I have no issue at all with people being more skeptical about Green than I am. But my interpretation at times is that it can seem fairly personal and not involve much actual analysis. There was an initial reaction which was perhaps fair enough given the trauma we were gradually coming out of, but it's been several months and the sky hasn't fallen, is it not worth at least a bit of calm and reserving judgement on Green if you aren't sure? In the mean time there can be plenty of scrutiny but that doesn't mean there can't be some goodwill and certainly doesn't mean insults are required (of course none of this directed is everyone).


I might come across as too strong the other way but much of the time it's a counter to the extremities. I dread opening any thread that's slightly related to Charles Green and ownership these days for how it might end up.

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The point is that hardly anyone on here is not sceptical about what Green says and does. But the way he is being laid into is beyond any good taste and objectivity at times. And since it comes from the usual suspects time and again, you do wonder about their intent.

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I remember Cammy Fraser an ex(?)-moderator and poster on here saying Murray would Bankrupt Rangers when we were at the top and Murray was a hero. He was given a lot of stick from the Murray supporters of that time. He never gave up trying to warn supporters of what Murray was doing but as in d'artagnan post it fell on deaf ears. That is why we should be open to views from both sides.

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How the fuck are we running at a loss to win a pub league? Because he kept on the tea lady? Get fucked charlie.



we have several players earning high wages. mcullogh wallace and alexander. murray park costs a million a year to run.


as forlanssister says running at a loss this year was inevitable.

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I have to say CG has grown on me, i was sceptical at first, who wouldn't be after the charlatans we've had running our club. But over the months his gruff exterior but with a warm heart to the supporters, has definitely mellowed me. Some will say i am being naive and gullible, but i like to think i am battle worn now and having met the man a few times round Ibrox, i now know the difference between friend and foe.


In Charles Green i trust.

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I remember Cammy Fraser an ex(?)-moderator and poster on here saying Murray would Bankrupt Rangers when we were at the top and Murray was a hero. He was given a lot of stick from the Murray supporters of that time. He never gave up trying to warn supporters of what Murray was doing but as in d'artagnan post it fell on deaf ears. That is why we should be open to views from both sides.


Sure, but each situation has to be treated on it's own merits. Besides you still get some defending Murray to this day for some reason.


It's right to scrutinise Green fairly and politely, but I don't for a second believe he deserves the demonising that comes from some.

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Why on earth is Green telling us that Duff & Phelps have been contacting him about moving to 3 other clubs? Has anybody else thought about that one? Why would Duff & Phelps want Green to leave Rangers to go to other clubs shortly after they've just brought him to Ibrox? Remember... Green clearly stated that it was Duff & Phelps who approached him in the first place, so what are the shady bastards doing trying to get Green to go to other clubs? Oh wait... they probably just want his contact list and witty banter, right? mmmmmm.

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