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keep up to date with tonights meeting at ibrox

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I agree we do need someone in charge who's prepared to stick up for us at this point in time.


I don't think Green's doing a particularly good job on that front though. He only manages to make himself and in turn the club look foolish most of the time when he runs off at the mouth.


He consistently shows a complete lack of tact. We need a leader who's ruthless, pull's no punches and hits our enemies where it hurts. Instead we've got Green with his scattergun approach.


It's good that he's engaging with the supporters, at least where it leads to positive action and not just telling us what we want to hear.


He also needs to stop mouthing off to fans and the press about pie in the sky deals before they're done. Seal the deal then tell us about it Chuck. Shock and awe as opposed to fantasy and blunder.

Well I couldn't disagree more to be honest, I think he's got them riled which is only a good thing.


And sure he can run off on the mouth a bit but really that's harmless.

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I don't think he is, no... and my complaints are too many to write down here tonight.

Well maybe you can do it tomorrow, i'd be curious to see. I'm not really talking about the future concerns, even I accept things could change for the worse for all we know, just the here and now. I mean we're coming up to the first anniversary of administration and we're hardly heading there again unless there's big problems being hidden behind the scenes, the IPO was very successfull, all our staff are retained and we're winning our division comfortably, the debates about style of football and tactics are more of an opinion issue and not something Green can influence unless you believe he should change the manager.


It all seems so far so good to me, it's longer term to say job done or not but I don't really see what he's doing wrong right now.


I want him to box clever and fight smart, not have a cheap scatter-gun approach that amounts to little more than jokes, sarcasm and generally winding people up.
We've had plenty of them thrown at us so sometimes you need to fight fire with fire. But things like the Tannadice boycott and the refusal to acknowledge the kangaroo court have seemed fairly box clever to me.


It surely needs to be acknowledged no CEO in world football has to deal with the level of hatred thrown at his club that Green has. Hardly an easy situation to deal with.




I'm just being honest and saying what I think about the man while we see how it pans out. I'm not going to sit here and say I think he's great and that I trust him when I don't.


As I said, I'll let you know when he changes my mind and wins me over.


Of course you're not, I was just wondering if you could possibly treat it like reserving judgement? I just feel it comes across as though Green will have a hard time winning you over whatever happens. There doesn't seem to be once ounce of credit or goodwill that you feel you can give him.

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These littlle get-togethers are akin to a N.Korean cabinet meeting. No-one ever asks him any real question. Like are we still paying his rent and houshold bills? Why do him and his boyfriend deserve massive bonuses for getting us out the SFL? How much do we still owe him for buying us? How the fuck are we running at a loss in div 3? Why did he want the share dough so fast, when he has hardly spent a penny of it, as yet? Why the fuck did he let Ally give the decorator a contract of more than 5 ton a week?
:champs: just for the ignore list :P
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Do you think that Green should not be scrutinised, Allan?


Bloody right I do mate, but I've not seen much scrutiny in this thread. Like most Green threads it descends into a marmite moment instead of putting personal feelings aside and actually trying to pick out info in what he says.

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Bloody right I do mate, but I've not seen much scrutiny in this thread. Like most Green threads it descends into a marmite moment instead of putting personal feelings aside and actually trying to pick out info in what he says.




Yeah, there seems to be a lack of objectivity when discussing Green for some reason. I knew when I opened up the thread which posters would criticise everything that he said, no matter what he said, and which would defend him.


Green is someone who isn't doing everything badly but also does deserve scrutiny, questioning and criticism as to some of the stuff he says and does.


Taking a polarised approach every time doesn't add anything to the argument and you're probably doing more harm than good as criticising or defending everything means that the areas that do require questioning are being masked by all the ridiculous stuff.

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This is why I stayed away last night, instead of talking about details it decends into a Green bashing match, for once a FF thread on the same subject was head and shoulders above Gersnet its a sad day.


Matter of fact, I commend the admins on here for bearing with some of the trolls making their lair here. At times they are an embarrassment though. The trolls that is. (And soon someone will post about freedom of opinion and people should be allowed to tell "the truth" and all the usual mantra.)

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I really don't see why constructive criticism and valid questions of the Green regime is seen as some sort of personal attack.


Yes, we can thank Green for his efforts so far but that should never preclude him from criticism or a difficult (though fair) time. Did we not learn from the moonbeams and Whyte eras?

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