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Peterhead Player Tweets About Kicking Gers Player In Head

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The only time that I was in a proper fight (which I won) I was instantly embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I guess not everyone finds it something to boast about.


Was she in a bad way Craig?

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From the Peterhead FC site:


Peterhead Football Club would like to apologise for any offence or annoyance caused by Steven's comments. The player has been reprimanded by manager Jim McInally and warned of his future behaviour. Jim has also re-iterated his directive that players should not use any social networking sites to comment on games.
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Footballer in Twitter threat ordeal

Peterhead defender suffers abuse after exchange of tweets

By Anthony Joseph

Published: 23/01/2013

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IN ACTION: Peterhead’s Steven Noble on the football pitch.

A FOOTBALLER today revealed his family’s fears after receiving threats on a social networking site.

Peterhead’s Steven Noble has been the victim of hundreds of online attacks after a comment he made on Twitter.

The defender made reference to enjoying his role in an incident with Rangers striker Francisco Sandaza in Sunday’s match at Balmoor.

David Gray, the Blue Toon’s website writer, tweeted him saying: “He’s fast for a big unit! Bet I know what your highlight was. Not often a Celt gets to kick a Ger in the face and not get lifted.”

Steven, 24, who admitted he was a Celtic supporter, replied: “haha.You got it in one nev (Gray). Thats the only part of the game iv watched back.”

On the back of that exchange of tweets, Steven, from Paisley, was subject to threatening, sectarian and racist abuse.

A club spokesman said: “Peterhead Football Club would like to apologise for any offence or annoyance caused by Steven’s comments.”



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Peterhead apologise over ignoble tweet



Published on Thursday 24 January 2013 03:35


PETERHEAD have apologised for comments made by their player Steven Noble on social networking site Twitter after Sunday’s Third Division game with Rangers that finished 1-0 to the Glasgow side.


Noble was involved in a challenge that saw the Ibrox side’s Francisco Sandaza receive a kick in the face and the full back had boasted that “it was the only part of the game I have watched back”.


Rangers fans were quick to protest and the Balmoor club have said via their website: 
“Peterhead Football Club would like to apologise for any offence or annoyance caused by Steven’s comments. The player has been reprimanded by manager Jim McInally and warned of his future behaviour. Jim has also re-iterated his directive that players should not use any social networking sites to comment on games.”


The 24-year-old could also face a sanction from SFA Compliance officer Vincent Lunny, who carpeted Queen’s Park skipper Ricky Little for his comments on Twitter about allegedly injuring Rangers players back in July




Nice one, McInally. I do not envisage any Lunny-action though.

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