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Peterhead Player Tweets About Kicking Gers Player In Head

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This is where the people running the club need to get tough and publicly demand the SFA do something about this. Sitting back and hoping something happens will not work. We need to be seen to be actively going after this type of parasite on a regular basis. We've been an easy touch for far too long and CG & Co must change this.

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All the one brain celled wonder had to say was, I gave him a sore one by accident, end of story. But no he has to try and be billy big baws to his Thim pals and joke about booting a fellow pro in the face. Only when he gets caught does he latter apologise, hope he gets all that's coming to him but I won't hold my breath.

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All the one brain celled wonder had to say was, I gave him a sore one by accident, end of story. But no he has to try and be billy big baws to his Thim pals and joke about booting a fellow pro in the face. Only when he gets caught does he latter apologise, hope he gets all that's coming to him but I won't hold my breath.


We've all boasted about punching someone before. When you were younger and were in a fight which you won, you'd go boasting to your mates and anyone who'd listen. I never got to boast unfortunately. :hm:

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We've all boasted about punching someone before. When you were younger and were in a fight which you won, you'd go boasting to your mates and anyone who'd listen. I never got to boast unfortunately. :hm:


We all did mate, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to do it on twitter especially when its such high profile. You really have to wonder about the mentality of most twitter users.

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We've all boasted about punching someone before. When you were younger and were in a fight which you won, you'd go boasting to your mates and anyone who'd listen. I never got to boast unfortunately. :hm:


The only time that I was in a proper fight (which I won) I was instantly embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I guess not everyone finds it something to boast about.


You are certainly right on the majority though.

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