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SCOTTISH PREMIER LEAGUE chief executive Neil Doncaster and his puppet master, Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell have hatched a devious plan to cling on to power.


They are refusing to disband the SPL Ltd company, claiming it holds the purse strings and must stay. And that means any Scottish Football League clubs who join any new set-up could be at the mercy of the SPL and have to dance to the tune of the Doncaster-Lawwell Axis and their Celtic cabal.


If they agree to the devious demands.


And I can reveal that the tool Doncaster is using the try and force this deal through is a television deal which SPL Ltd have signed with Sky Television for the next five seasons. A deal which Doncaster claims, cannot be transferred to any new company.


However nobody in Scottish football, apart from the two men who negotiated it with Sky, SPL chief executive and Celtic supremo Peter Lawwell, have seen this mystery contract.


Yet the Doncaster plan to hand out £350,000-a-year in extra payments to the dozen Scottish Football League teams in the new second tier, is, according to what Neil Doncaster has told one club, based on this Sky deal which nobody in the SPL, apart from Lawwell and nobody at all in the Scottish Football League, has seen.


A dozen times £350,000 comes to a mind boggling £4.2M a year which the Doncaster-Lawwell-SPL-Celtic Axis is promising they can afford to give away as a goodwill gesture. Every year. Yet that promise is based on a contract with Sky which they have so far refused to give anyone, or anyoneâ??s lawyers, a sight of.


While Doncaster is claiming that the only way to protect this deal with Sky is for the SPL to remain as the ruling body even if any new 12-12-18 set up is implemented and rushed through in time for next season. Doncaster says that is because the deal is with the SPL and Sky will steadfastly refuse to transfer it to any new league company.


There are many who may believe that sort of threat sounds like blackmail.


Especially when my highly placed sources in London assure me that Sky will be relaxed about dealing with any new company whuch may be formed to give substance to a new Scottish National League.


Others may see Doncasterâ??s latest bluster as no more than a last desperate throw of the dice from Celtic and Peter Lawwell to preserve the Celtic cabal stranglehold on power, while Neil Doncaster remains as what many see as Lawwellâ??s willing puppet.


Any Scottish Football League club signing up top any such deal â?? based on what looks like the threat of blackmail - would be taking a step in the dark off the edge of a steep cliff. Any Scottish Football League chairman willing to be marched blindfolded to the edge of the precipice would be seen as a man with a suicide wish.


The Scottish Football League clubs will talk about the new 12-12-18 all-in Scottish National League when they meet at the end of the month, but there will be no vote and the SFL Board will make no recommendation.


When the 12-12-18 plan was first mooted and when it looked as though it heralded the end of the SPL, a senior source told me he could not believe such a shrewd and powerful manipulator as Peter Lawwell, such a control freak and street fighter as Lawwell, would give up his vice like grip on top flight league football in Scotland quite so easily.


That warning set alarm bells ringing and now my investigations have revealed just how Peter Lawwell intends to preserve the SPL, hang on to power by keeping his puppet Neil Doncaster at the helm and swallow up the minnows of the Scottish Football League.


And the trail of questions I have been posing has led me to these revelations. Which are....


1 - The SPL of Neil Doncaster and Peter Lawwell will fight to continue to control any new league set-up.


2 â?? Nobody in the Scottish Football League has seen the contract the SPL say they have with Sky.


3 â?? Only Neil Doncaster and Peter Lawwell have seen the contract the SPL say they have with Sky.


4 â?? Doncaster claims that contract cannot be switched to any other body, so the SPL must stay in control of all 40 clubs.


5 â?? Doncaster and Lawwell claim the Sky deal â?? which nobody else has seen â?? will fund £4.2M a year extra payments to the dozen teams in the second top tier.


And on top of all that nobody in the SPL has made it clear to the 30 clubs in the Scottish Football League just what voting power they would have in any new National League, which would still be run by the SPL and the SPL-Doncaster-Lawwell-Celtic Axis.


Ross County chairman Roy MacGregor resolutely refused to answer when asked by David Tanner on Sky on Saturday just how the voting rights would be carved up. He dodged the question of whether or not it would be one-club-one-vote.


My view is that the SPL-Doncaster-Lawwell-Celtic Axis are already be planning some sort of voting carve up which will see the majority of the 30 Scottish League clubs left as a powerless rump, while the powerbrokers of the Celtic cabal among the top clubs â?? think Aberdeen and Duncan Fraser, Hibernian and Rod Petrie and Dundee United and Stephen Thompson â?? continue to rule the roost. It is an SPL-Doncaster-Lawwell-Celtic Axis secret plan which must be resisted by the honest men and true who form the Scottish Football League.


Just do not expect the Daily Rhebel, commercially gripped as it is in Celtic and Peter Lawwellâ??s vice like control, to try to unravel this SPL plot to cling onto power.


But it could be a chance, once again, for the Sun to shine.






HARD on the heels of my revelation that two and a half years after he became Scottish Football Association chief executive, Stewart Regan, still does not live in Scotland, comes a fresh revelation.


Regan walked out of a vital meeting nearly five hours before it was finished, in response to numerous calls from his wife reminding him he was due to meet her and friends for dinner in Leeds that evening.


You couldnâ??t make it up.

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I see civil war ahead in Scottish Football if CG sticks to his guns & refuses to sign next season's SKY contract. They need us as part of that contract in order for it to be of any real commercial worth to SKY who are a subscription service (not a national broadcaster) who are dependent on viewers subscribing to their programmes

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