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The Questions Regan must answer..................

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At what point did the SFA know of Whyte's controversial business background? Was it before Daly's documentaty in Oct 2011?

On the day Whyte bought Rangers the Daily Telegraph had an article about Whyte & his colourful past. Were the SFA aware of it?

If they were aware of it why did they do nothing until administration on FEB14 2012?


At what point did the SFA know Craig Whyte wasn't paying HMRC the PAYE & NI contributions ? Was it before administration ? if so how long before?

And if so why did the SFA not do anything about it ?


Given FTTT result, Whyte is the only thing which can be thrown at us. IMO the SFA & maybe SPL too have serious questions to answer regards Whtye.

Perhaps JT has background on this ?

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Maybe you should ask him if Mark Nicholson Head of Litigation for H&M moving to his new job is a conflict of interests.


Why I hear you ask?


Well his new employee is yes you guest it Celtic, what is it they say the best way to hide a conspiracy is leave it in plain view nobody will notice.

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Given that Lieswell was a former director of a company that was involved in a legal action against Whyte in what was tantamount to fraud it's clear they knew from day one.


Of course they knew. When Whyte emerged as a buyer it was as if all their prayers had been answered. All they had to do was to get LBG to blackmail SDM into selling to Whyte. Remind me again, who was in charge of LBG's Scottish business division at that time?

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At the meeting between the RFWG and Regan last year, he stated to us that it was the documentary that started proceedings at the SFA.


I, for one, do not believe that for one minute. Why did he wait until Administration on Feb14 ? the documentary was 4 months earlier in october.

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