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Interview with Paul Murray on TRS

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Whats wrong with drug dealing or prostitution :P


Pablo Escobar was considered a hero amongst his Colombian people for being charitable and caring.... only the other cartels despised him.


Aye, OK, we probably shouldnt be taking funds from illegal means :D

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Whats wrong with drug dealing or prostitution :P


Pablo Escobar was considered a hero amongst his Colombian people for being charitable and caring.... only the other cartels despised him.


Aye, OK, we probably shouldnt be taking funds from illegal means :D


Takes a fair bit of skill to construct and maintain a multi-billion dollar corporation, bound to have skill set that we could use....:ninja:

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Takes a fair bit of skill to construct and maintain a multi-billion dollar corporation, bound to have skill set that we could use....:ninja:


Ever read his biography that was given by his brother (his "accountant") ? One thing you must say about Pablo Escobar.... he was very innovative and creative.

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