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THE Celtic-IRA supportersâ?? riot in Dundee, when hundreds went on the rampage and seventy were thrown out of Dens, was a stain on Scotland.


Not just a stain on Peter Lawwellâ??s Celtic, not just a stain on Stewart Regan and Peter Lawwellâ??s Scottish Football Association, not just a stain on Neil Doncaster and Peter Lawwellâ??s increasingly crisis hit Scottish Not-So-Premier League, not just a stain all of Scottish football, but a dark lamentable stain on Scotland.


Yet we have not heard one word, not a single syllable about what was described as the worst football violence seen in Dundee for over 20 years and a throwback to the 1970s, from that defender of Scotlandâ??s reputation on all other fronts, the First Minister and the leader of the Separatist Scottish National Party, Alex Salmond.


Whatâ??s the matter, wee Eck? Has the cat got your tongue. Surely youâ??re not cowering in fear of a Peter Lawwell backlash?


Not that it matters. For, according to what Iâ??ve been hearing, Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell will go to any lengths to protect and preserve the Union.


In fact, if my information is correct, then Peter Lawwell is prepared to wrap himself in the Union Flag if he thinks it will help Celtic achieve their Republic of Ireland based owner Dermot Desmondâ??s wish to see Celtic play in England.


But maybe wee Eck didn't know that. Well he kens noo.


There are many who believe the shocking events in Dundee on Boxing Day â?? a sordid show of support for the IRA at a time when the IRA terrorists are ramping up their terror bombing campaign again â?? were inevitable, given the way it appears that Peter Lawwell has indulged the hard line IRA supporting Green Brigade.


And given that in the days since the Celtic-IRA supporters rioted in Dundee we have heard nothing about the culprits being identified by Celtic and banned by the club, many may believe that Peter Lawwell is continuing to turn a Nelsonian eye on these terrorist supporters.


Of course Lawwell is not the only man with Celtic credentials who has kept a low profile on the shocking and shameful events in Dundee when the Season of Goodwill was turned into a day of terrorist supporting hate and terror by Celtic-IRA supporting low life in Dundee.


Step forward that fanatical and rabid Celtic supporting Sunday Mirror sports writer, Brian Patrick McNally, a man who was banned by his bosses from Tweeting about Rangers on his Official Mirror Group Newspapers Twitter Account after they ordered him to apologise on it for accusing Rangers supporters of singing the Famine Song when what they had been signing was the wonderfully romantic and evocative ballad about the formation of Rangers, Four Men Had a Dream.


Brian Patrick McNally, however, still feels free to comment about Celtic on his Official Mirror Group Twitter Account and on Boxing Day he Tweeted about the Dundee-Celtic game. Though no mention was made about the Celtic-IRA supporters rioting. Brian Patrick McNally maintained his silence on the shameful episode in the days which followed.


Strange, that.


And so we arrive at the Scottish Daily Mail and the two arch McCoist baiters there, chief sports writer John Greechan and chief football writer and one-time Celtic View editor, Stephen McGowan.


Earlier this week I made the point that both had been strangely silent on events in Dundee when Celtic-IRA supporters staged a full scale riot and show of support for the new IRA terror bombing campaign.


There followed the sort of mealy mouthed mere touch on the subject by chief sports writer Greechan which is his trademark when it comes to commenting about the many bad things Celtic supporters get up to, while being more vicious when any Ranhers fan so much as steps as inch out of line. As a condemnation of Celtic-IRA supporters rioting in a Scottish city and paying homage to IRA terrorist bombers John Greechanâ??s column was a pathetic cop-out.


But what came next was even worse. Step forward Scottish Daily Mail chief football writer and former Celtic View editor Stephen McGowan, who used his Thursday column to try and equate a full scale riot involving hundreds of Celtic-IRA supporters with the faintest whisper â?? which quickly died on the lips of those who tried to start it â?? of a chorus of a banned song by Rangers supporters right at the end of the match against Queens Park at Hampden.


Former Celtic View editor McGowanâ??s apology of fair and balanced comment could not have been less fair and more unbalanced had the thrust of it been dictated to him by Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell.


It wasnâ??t, was it? No, thatâ??s too preposterous, isnâ??t it?


And through all of this just where has Peter Lawwellâ??s best buddy and Hampden boardroom colleague, Scottish Football Association chief executive Stuart Regan been?


And where has Peter Lawwellâ??s other good pal, Scottish Not-So-Premier League chief executive Neil Doncaster been?


Surely neither of them paid homage to the man who really rules the roost in Scotland, never mind just in Scottish football, Celtic supremo Peter Lawwell, by vying for the honour of being his first foot?


Or were they pipped at the post by the leaders of all that his wrong with those rioting Celtic-IRA supporters, The Green Brigade?

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Wee fat Salmond's silence has been an absolute disgrace. Likewise the trouble they've caused at Tynecastle during recent visits. If it were us the usual suspects in scottish poiitics would be getting tore into us from everywhere. But when it's them not a word.

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