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HUNDREDS of hooligan football fanatics go on the rampage and riot, with almost 100 of these thugs thrown out of the ground.


It is the sort of story which I would expect to run and run and run in the papers, especially at this time of the year when tales are thin on the ground.


However, surprisingly the story was presented in a muted way and apart from in one paper, it was allowed to slip away and quietly die, with no columnists wading in to condemn those politically motivated IRA terrorist supporting thugs and ask what the club they follow is doing to stamp out their reign of terror.


The one newspaper which gave the story of the Celtic riot in Dundee on Boxing Day proper prominence, was the Sun and great credit must be handed to that newspaper for its brave decision.


I say brave decision, for we know just how Celtic operate and it is probably safe to speculate how Peter Lawwell, or any of those who practice the dark arts of intimidation and spin on his clubâ??s behalf, may have been whispering in the ear of newspaper executives, warning of severe repercussions if the story was given the prominence its news value deserved.


Certainly there are many who, on seeing the way the bought and paid for by Celticâ??s gold Daily Rhebel, downplayed the Dundee riot, which involved hundreds of battling Celtic thugs chanting IRA slogans, would ponder on the financial relationship which exists â?? in the tottering old Daily Rhebelâ??s favour â?? and come to the conclusion that more than news value judgments were in play.


And those who know the inside power structure at editor Allan Rennieâ??s Daily Rhebel, may also consider how news editor, Kevin Mansi, a rabid Celtic fanatic, would have treated such a story had it involved supporters of any other Scottish club. Rangers, for instance.




The Scottish Daily Mail was another newspaper whose news values deserted it when covering Celticâ??s Boxing Day riot in Dundee. It was hidden away on page nine and was dealt with in just a few paragraphs.


I do not recall arch anti Rangers sports editor Dougie McRobbâ??s two attack dogs and well know Alastair McCoist baiters, Stephen McGowan â?? a former Celtic View editor â?? and John Greechan, wading in with a serious attack on the rioting Celtic supporters, plus strong words on why Celtic should be more proactive in dealing with this IRA supporting element.


Again, there are many who will no doubt imagine McGowan and Greechan going into overdrive had the Celtic riot in Dundee on Boxing Day been caused by those who support another team. Rangers, for instance.


Even when Neil Lennon issued a short and seemingly half hearted condemnation of the hundreds of IRA supporting fanatical Celtic supporters who rioted in Dundee on Boxing Day, the coverage in the Daily Rhebel and Scottish Daily Mail was muted and perfunctory.


And what of Peter Lawwell?


Those reporters who witnessed the angry exchanges in an Italian airport just over a year ago between Lawwell and those Celtic supporters who shamed Scotland with their F**K UEFA banner, fully expected the Celtic chief executive to finally get tough with those Celtic thugs, notably the IRA supporting Green Brigade, who many believe he has indulged for too long.


Why then have those reporters not followed that story? Why have they not tenaciously been on the job, persistently probing and asking just what action has been taken?


Could it be, in the case of the Daily Rhebel, there was a fear the pursuit of such a story would damage the newspaperâ??s chance of getting from Celtic the money so needed to prop up the ailing organ, a deal which has now been signed?


Could it be, as far as the Scottish Daily Mail is concerned, a case of cowardice? Or of the influence of arch Rangers hating sports editor Dougie McRobb and his two attack dogs, Stephen McGowan â?? a former Celtic View editor â?? and John Greechan, extending to supine news executives?


Whatever the reasons, only the Sun had the guts to stay true to proper news judgment values and give the story and its aftermath the sort of prominence it deserved.


Perhaps the Sun will now pursue the story further and get wee Silly Billy Leckie to phone Peter Lawwell to demand answers as to what Celtic are going to do with the IRA supporting hooligans, hundreds of whom rioted in Dundee on Boxing Day.





A GUID NEW YEAR to my many pals â?? regular readers all - in the old inky trade.


Pip! Pip!

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